Outlines & Scripts for Wing Commander Prophecy
Wing Commander 5 Game Design Document

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Project: WCP
Date: September 27, 1996
Donated by: Jorg Neumann
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 424
The earliest collected game design document for the game. Dated September 27, 1996, this large document has everything the team wanted to do with the game -- in detail. From medals, wingmen and mission specifications to a detailed writeup of the 'Tom Dane' version of the game's story, it's all here.
Wing Commander V Script, Second Draft

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Project: WCP
Date: October 23, 1996
Donated by: Jorg Neumann
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 240
The second draft of the Wing Commander V (Prophecy) outline! The first thing you'll notice is another shift in characters. Tom Dane is gone, replaced with Lance Casey. Also missing is Hawk, who is replaced by a new character named Bandit...
Wing Commander V Script, Second Draft (Cain)

View: PDF (115 MB)
Project: WCP
Date: October 28, 1996
Donated by: Billy Cain
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 240
The October 28, 1996 Second Draft Outline for Wing Commander Prophecy. This version belonged to Billy Cain and contains his margin notes.
Wing Commander V Script, Second Draft (Guentzel)

View: PDF (38 MB)
Project: WCP
Date: October 28, 1996
Donated by: John Guentzel
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 240
The October 28, 1996 Second Draft Outline for Wing Commander Prophecy. This version belonged to John Guentzel and contains his margin notes.
Wing Commander V Script, Second Draft (Neumann)

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Project: WCP
Date: October 28, 1996
Donated by: Jorg Neumann
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 88
The October 28, 1996 Second Draft Outline for Wing Commander Prophecy. This version belonged to Jorg Neumann and contains his margin notes. Pages that do not contain notes have been omitted from this version, so it is only 88 pages long instead of 240.
Second Draft Beat Outline

View: PDF (10 MB)
Project: WCP
Date: October 28, 1996
Donated by: Jorg Neumann
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 50
Was 600 pages of scripts too much for you? It's understandable - so check out this Wing Commander V Beat Outline. It's a short document which runs through every scene in the game and briefly explains what happens... perfect for quick reference or those who enjoy seeing Stiletto referred to as "foil girl".
Second Draft Beat Outline (Team Comments)

View: PDF (4.5 MB)
Project: WCP
Date: October 28, 1996
Donated by: Jorg Neumann
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 24
Another October 28 document - that must have been a big deadline for the Prophecy team. Today we see the team's comments on the Second Draft Outline... and they're really interesting. For example, Captain Johnny managed to get rid of Kilrathi Reservation planets and Dallas' awkward second callsign... but his note about Casey's lame first name fell on deaf ears.
Wing Commander Prophecy Script, Final Draft

View: PDF (14.5 MB)
Project: WCP
Date: April 30, 1997
Donated by: Adam Foshko
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 102
This is Wing Commander Prophecy's shooting script (the "Absolute Very Last Ultimate Final Draft") -- the version filmed for the actual game. It's dated April 30, 1997 and you will notice that it's a lot shorter than any of the earlier outlines. Part of the 140 missing pages are the mission outlines - but others are content that was deemed too expensive or too elaborate for the project at this point.
Mission Series Overview
In the news: Making the Game - Part 21 (2008/05/26)View: PDF (5 MB)
Project: WCP
Date: July 2, 1996
Donated by: Billy Cain
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 6
This is similar to the plot concepts offered earlier in this series, except that it is the result of the team's three months of work. You'll find that it's very similar to the finished script in structure. Key differences include opening with a training series in which the player fights Kilrathi renegades and including a second character who is kidnapped and ultimately lost with Blair.
Mission Series Overview
In the news: Making the Game - Part 86 (2008/07/30)View: PDF (5.3 MB)
Project: WCP
Date: January 31, 1997
Source: Prophecy Bible
Donated by: Billy Cain
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 6
This short section of the Wing Commander Prophecy bible offers a six-page overview of a mid-development Wing Commander Prophecy script. Divided into acts, this is the version that ends with Blair and the Maestro character missing in action. If only...
Script VDUs
In the news: Making the Game: Script VDUs (2009/05/09)View: MS Word (40 kB)
Project: WCP
Date: April 28, 1997
Source: Dev Archive CD-ROM
Donated by: John Guentzel
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 18
These are the 'story'-related VDU segments. It's interesting that these are separate; presumably they're filmed in the same way by the same group of people as the regular script.
In the news: Making the Game: Script (2009/05/08)View: MS Word (480 kB)
Project: WCP
Date: March 25, 1997
Source: Dev Archive CD-ROM
Donated by: John Guentzel
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 125
This is a draft of the Wing Commander Prophecy script! Although it claims to be the first, dated 1996, it clearly isn't -- it has the correct names for the characters and other changes made later in the process. The most interesting thing is the character bios, which seem to be the source of information offered at the original wingcommanderprophecy.com site (like Rachel's divorces).
Mission Briefings
In the news: Making the Game: Mission Briefings (2009/04/30)View: MS Word (120 kB)
Project: WCP
Date: April 28, 1997
Source: Dev Archive CD-ROM
Donated by: John Guentzel
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: 47
We leave specific mission updates behind with a nice meaty document -- the 47-page mission briefing script. These seem to be very close to the finished version, although some cuts are noted. The most interesting thing to me is the 'stylesheet' at the beginning. Why can't ICIS refer to the player as 'you'? Clearly, thought went into this...
Mission Script
In the news: Making the Game: Mission Script (2009/08/08)View: MS Excel (160 kB)
Project: WCP
Date: August 19, 1997
Source: Dev Archive CD-ROM
Donated by: John Guentzel
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: n/a
Rekindle your love of comm messages with this complete mission script -- every single 'mission specific' comm message, in order from Hrekkah to Kilrah.
Second Unit Script (1)
In the news: Making the Game: Wing Commander Script Second Unit (1) (2009/08/14)View: MS Excel (310 kB)
Project: WCP
Date: August 7, 1997
Source: Dev Archive CD-ROM
Donated by: John Guentzel
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: n/a
The 'Second Unit' of a film production is the team that does the less glamorous film work -- anything that isn't deemed important enough to merit the director. That means things like establishing and effects shots on a major motion picture; for Wing Commander Prophecy it seems to mean all the comm messages and the 'postage stamp' in-flight videos.
Second Unit Script (2)
In the news: Making the Game: Wing Commander Script Second Unit (2) (2009/08/15)View: MS Excel (410 kB)
Project: WCP
Date: August 19, 1997
Source: Dev Archive CD-ROM
Donated by: John Guentzel
Scanned by: LOAF
Pages: n/a
This Excel file is a more compact version of the other Second Unit list; this one seems to have been pared down to a point where it's roughly equivalent with the finished product.