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On this day in 2024

Spanish WC3 Art Mystery Solved
   Several years ago we spotted a Spanish magazine that had a bizarre variant of the Wing Commander 3 cover in its review. At the time we wondered what would possess them to create such an odd photoshop...

On this day in 2023

Rapier Ready to Roast Ralaris
   Marco Alfaroli recently shared his gorgeous sketch of the CF-117b Rapier. The artist saw the lack of Rapier I artwork out there as gap in the internet that he needed to fill. He describes the design...

On this day in 2022

More Memories of David Warner & Extended Wing Commander Scenes
   I'm saddened to hear of the passing of David Warner. He may have had no more than 5.5 min of screen time in Wing Commander (if you count the disk audio), but it was memorable and added a touch of cla...

On this day in 2021

GOG Weekly Sale Discounts Wing Commander is having a special weekly sale this week, and the theme seems to be '90s classics. In addition to series like Warcraft, Myst and System Shock, both the Wing Commander and Ultima franchises h...

On this day in 2020

Enhanced WC4 Video Adds Even More Detail, Plus Audio & Compression Fixes
   We're excited to kick off a new week with another impressive enhanced Wing Commander 4 video release. Although at some point soon there are likely to be diminishing returns and the pace of new iterat...

On this day in 2019

Wing Leader VDUs Broken & Space Upgraded
    Howard Day has developed another really cool effect for the Wing Leader project. The big video below shows off some fancy LCD distortion for use when your VDU takes a hit. Howard says he's w...

On this day in 2018

WCSO Model Upgrade Pack Shows Off Enhanced Cockpits & Missiles
   Here are a couple of different cool updates for the Secret Ops Model Upgrade Pack. The first shot shows off a more refined version of the new Piranha cockpit. DefianceIndustries has added emit mappi...

On this day in 2017

Happy Birthday Wing Commander Arena!
    Today we're celebrating the 10th anniversary of Wing Commander Arena's release! We're used to a steady stream of 25th birthdays ticking by as the classics from the early '90s each reach a qua...

On this day in 2016

Invulnerable WC1 Speedrun Focuses On The Fight
   Christopher DeWitt put together an interesting video of a Wing Commander speedrun. Lots of people have recorded themselves fully playing through the game, but Chris wanted to see how fast it could be...

On this day in 2015

Frontier Bombers Get Modern Makeover
   The Border Worlds faction is getting some nice upgrades to their torpedo-carrying fighters in the WC4 Homeworld mod. L.I.F. has just finished importing DefianceIndustries' Vindicator and Avenger into...

Three Weeks To Party Time!
   In case you missed our recent announcement, the date and time for the CIC's 17th Birthday Party has been set! You're invited to join us on Saturday, August 15, 2015 at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11...

On this day in 2014

Sounding Off About Obscure Sound Cards
   LOAF was catching up on some early '90s issues of CGW this morning and came across several sound card advertisements that exemplify the times. It's been many years since people have had to spend much...

On this day in 2013

Naive Rookie Or Hardened Vet?
   Forum members st3lt3k and Wedge009 pointed us to the November '93 issue of Computer Gaming World. It contains a review of Wing Commander: Academy and full page ads for Academy and Privateer. ...

On this day in 2012

No Mercy For Wing Commander IV, Colonel
   The British gaming press of the 1990s continues to hammer Wing Commander. It's difficult to call this a "review" so much as an angry rant. The UK edition of PC Gamer "reviewed" Wing Commander IV in Ma...

On this day in 2011

Hangar Hits Major Milestone
   The latest pictures of Malcolm Renolds's Tiger's Claw model show off a fighter-filled and enclosed flight deck now (check out the Ferrets!). Some of the making-of images also reveal the interior supp...

On this day in 2010

Online TacOps Game Grows Each Week
    Avacar continues to make great progress on an online software-based version of Wing Commander TacOps. The database to control ship coordinates is complete, and both popups and forms have basi...

MSL Goes For First Drive
   Here's a neat peek into the clean room at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This webcam recording shows the Mars Science Laboratory rover taking its very first steps. The software that drives this m...

On this day in 2009

Standoff Episode 5 Just Two Weeks Away
   There's only two weeks left until the release of Standoff Episode 5, and it's very exciting to see the remaining components come together. There's been recent progress relating to voiceovers, graphics...

Making the Game: Comms by Mission
   Here's every single "one shot" comm message in Wing Commander Prophecy in one tidy package. Scroll down to the very end -- those last losing messages from Anderson are fascinating. From the unusually ...

On this day in 2008

Play Wing Commander Armada Online
   Forums member wcnut wants to get a Proving Grounds game going tomorrow at 9 pm Eastern. Interested parties can look here for instructions. With modifications from HCl, one-on-one battles, two player c...

Making the Game - Part 82
   Today we have a document by Captain Johnny layout out cockpit features and a great theory on why the team must make the cockpits all look different. This was accomplished to some level, but I don't th...

On this day in 2007

Arena Meets the Press
   The first professional web review of Wing Commander Arena is in... and it is glowing! TeamXbox wins the award for fastest review. We'll see what elder statesmen like Gamespot say in the next few days....

The Best Just Gets Beta
   The fan-favorite Standoff mod for Wing Commander Secret Ops is looking for beta testers to help perfect Episode 4! It sounds like fun, but it will be a real tough job... they have some pretty strict r...

On this day in 2006

New Bridge Commander Mod Pack Coming Soon
   BES continues to work on his Wing Commander mod for Bridge Commander. The latest update includes a number of new capital ships for the game. Screenshots below feature some Kilrathi cruisers taking a...

Quotable Wing Commander Gets British Nod
    Benjamin Dunham was reading the new issue of GamesTM and found a cute little Wing Commander mention. I'm not too sure why a gaming magazine from the UK cares about Jack Thompson at all, but I...

On this day in 2005

WC 2634 Mod Simulates A Strike
   RAT put together a mock strike in the Nexus mod Wing Commander 2634. Rapiers launch from a Concordia Supercruiser and Bengal Carrier in the first four shots, then the combined strike force assaults a...

Space Shuttle Discovery Lifts Off
   The Discovery properly launched this morning after a successful preflight sequence. The trip to orbit took nine minutes. This twelve day mission should involve testing new safety procedures and supp...

On this day in 2004

Behemoth Model In Drydock
   Fatcat has teased us with the first image of his upcoming Behemoth model. He is currently working on the gun ends and engine housings. The design will be made mostly out of wood with a smooth fiberg...

Trivia Reminder
   Trivia Week 4 will be out tomorrow, so get your Week 3 answers in tonight! You can find the old questions and submit them in our Trivia area here. There will be just two more weeks in our summer tri...

Holding The Line Chapter 187
   Raptor has sent us the latest chapter in the HTL series, but this time from a different email address. I hope he can still read the fanmail sent to his usual address since that's what I've linked. Any...

On this day in 2003

Game Asylum Reviews Prophecy Advance
   GameAsylum is a UK news site that's the latest in a round of places reviewing Prophecy Advance. They're fairly impressed by the controls and graphics but left to wonder about the story. It's actuall...

Game Informer Reviews Prophecy Advance
   And we've also got the review from the major US based magazine Game Informer. This is from the new August 2003 issue. As I was saying a few days ago, there hasn't been a whole lot of print attention...

Totally Awesome Robert Rusler News
   PeteyG let us know that he's nothing short of excited with the announcement that Robert Rusler, who played Seether in Wing Commander 4, will be appearing in an episode of Star Trek Enterprise. Th...

On this day in 2001

Hey, Waterloo
   Eder has reached his Waterloo... and boy, did it come out looking great! Wing Commander: Standoff is coming along very well visually! Eder is now working on the Drayman model... and he's decided to na...

Bengals Expand
   Three more shots of the Bengal from the Fleet Action web site! The FA guys are working with the possibility of doubling the size of capships to help the scale look better... ...

Conquest In Time!
   The Wing Commander Saga web site has been updated with a great new layout! Check it out at This is especially timely since Conquest, the game it seeks to mod, has just gone gold!...

Desperately Seeking TrueSpace
   15th Rampage is looking for someone with TrueSpace experience who can help work on turrets for his FreeSpace TC, Black Lance. Drop him a line at if you can help....

UE Missions Onward
   Unknown Enemy has posted a status report... they're working hard on writing new missions for the game -- Pedro has finished his first two missions, #4 and #6. He's working on #7 as we speak! All but t...

WCZone Gets More Interesting
   News from the front is that the Penspinner is working on a Wing Commander Armada style turf event for the Wing Commander Zone... that will involve capturing star systems! The niftykeen SubSpace mod al...

Jacinta Update
   Zero posted an update on his Jacinta engine project to his message board... lots of technical details a la Vega Strike.I thought I should bring to the attention of anyone who's going to be using the J...

For the Musically Inclined
   Cory L. Fujimori checked in to let us know that he's made some minor fixes to his Wing Commander Surf Music Guitar Tab. You can see it here. I swear I'm going to learn to play so I can use this thing....

From: Anonymous@Crius.Net
   Local planetary officials are returning from an off-world conference and it is thought that the Kindred might attempt to assassinate them before they reach the planet. Rendezvous with the shuttles as ...

On this day in 2000

Dozens of Hours of Cinematic Masterpiece Ignored
   This one's outrageous. Gamespot's question of the week this week asks which game has the best cinematics. And you guessed it, Wing Commander is not an option. It's not because the game is too old.....

General Site Status Updates
   Had to be offline for most of this week, so a few things got behind, including Trivia. Week 84 will continue normally this weekend and Week 83 has been extended until then. Time is flying and our Se...

On this day in 1999

Starlancer Article
   Games Domain posted a preview of Starlancer saying, "What separates Starlancer from Wing Commander (and most other space sims) is that this time, the enemy isn't a slavering, prophecy spouting, harbin...

Contest Changes
   Hadrian noted that the Peter Telep Wing Commander Contest has changed its rules, now allowing any entries that include the words "Peter Telep" and "Official Site" rather than the entire name "The Offi...

More Fan Help Requested
   Steven Kouri reports that he is working on a Wing Commander fan made game called 'Wing Commander: Lost Universe'. He's looking for people to help with ship & mission creation, as well as voices for ch...

Crunch Time at Crisp Factory!
   Liam Drake is on the spot. Workers at the Crunch-u-want Crisp Factory on Janus IV went starch staring mad yesterday, following news of enforced redundancies. The lay-offs come as a result of the compa...

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