SC 2520A

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SC 2520A
SC 2520A.png
Production Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Type Plot
Series K - Circe
Disc CD5 (PC), Side B (DVD)
Run Time 59s
Choice A Shut down the supply line.
Choice B Send Dekker in.
Scenes 252
Locations Chart Room

SC_2520A is a cutscene from Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. It is the beginning of the briefing for Circe K4A and Circe K4B if you flew Circe K3A. It is not included in the PlayStation version.

Choice A: Shut down the supply line.
Choice B: Send Dekker in.


COLONEL CHRISTOPHER BLAIR: Ok, good. Colonel. Alright, Lieutenant.

1ST LIEUTENANT VELINA SOSA: I've given the Admiral a report of what occurred during the last mission, sir. Now, his response notes that the enemy pipeline is still flowing. So it still needs shutting down. It's hard to beat the bad guys when they keep getting their supplies. Well, however, an enemy command-and-control center has been located underground on Circe V. The Admiral's giving you the option of delivering Lt. Colonel Dekker and his men for a precision strike.

LIEUTENANT COLONEL GASH DEKKER: I've studied the schematics: if you can get us down there, we'll need a few minutes to plant an implosion device that'll turn the place into rubble.

COLONEL CHRISTOPHER BLAIR: Well, it's behind enemy lines, so a shuttle's out of the question.

COLONEL JACOB "HAWK" MANLEY: Makes you wish you could fly invisible.

COLONEL CHRISTOPHER BLAIR: We have to use the insertion pods.

1ST LIEUTENANT VELINA SOSA: The Admiral stated that he's got other Marines in the fleet who can handle this, so he requests that you make the call as to which operation makes the best use of the Intrepid's resources, sir.





The DVD Version of Wing Commander IV includes much higher resolution versions of almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release.


Wing Commander IV's cutscenes were dubbed for the French and German releases.



Choice A: On va s'occuper du pipe-line.
Choice B: On va envoyer Dekker.



Choice A: Nachschub unterbrechen.
Choice B: Schickt Dekker rein.


Shooting Script

A Wing Commander IV shooting script has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. A digital version (extracted below) was posted to Origin's Wing Commander IV website in 1996.

briefing k4 (ver.1): pilots/Dekker/sosa - chart room -k4ÿÿ CONDITION: IF Blair flew Mission K3A.

Blair enters and finds sosa there along with Dekker and the pilots (including Catscratch IF he's still alive).

sosa I've given the Admiral a report of what occurred during the last mission, sir. His response notes that the enemy pipeline is still flowing.

the graphics/maps for the supply line mission come up on the wall screen.

Blair So it still needs shutting down.

panther (nods) Hard to beat the bad guys long as they keep getting their supplies.

sosa However, an enemy command-and-control center has been located underground on CirceÿV. The Admiral's giving you the option of delivering Lt. Colonel Dekker and his men for a precision strike.

graphics/maps for this operation appear on the wall screen.

Dekker I've studied the schematics. If you can get us down there, we'll just need a few minutes to plant an implosion device that'll turn the place into rubble.

Blair (studying the map) It's behind enemy lines. A shuttle is out of the question...

Hawk Makes you wish you could fly invisible.

Blair reacts, remembering pliers' offer of the cloaking device.

Blair We'd have to use the insertion pods.

sosa The Admiral stated that he's got other Marines in the fleet who can handle this, so he requests that you make the call as to which operation makes the best use of the Intrepid's resources.

Blair must CHOOSE...

Shooting Schedule

A Wing Commander IV production notebook has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin.