Cinematics of Wing Commander Prophecy
DVD Quality Intro
A full resolution version of the Wing Commander Prophecy intro, including the Kilrathi Prophecy, the destruction of the TCS Devereaux and Casey's arrival on the Midway. This new version is a high quality MPEG, much as you might find on a modern DVD -- as you can see in the comparison here, the difference between it (left) and the game (right) is astounding! Not only that, but the aspect ratio is slightly different, revealing a little bit more picture.
- Source: Prophecy DVD
- In the news: Take WCP Higher (2006/09/28)
- See also: All cinematics from the game in three packs for easy downloading.
- Run-length: 07:25
- DVD source file (MPEG2, 211 MB)
DVD Movie Upgrade Packs
Here's a special treat: three downloadable movie packs which collectively include all of the game's cutscenes in full resolution quality video! You can enjoy the Prophecy cinematics like never before. The archives include 134 cinematics in .VOB format.
This new version is a high quality MPEG, much as you might find on a modern DVD -- as you can see in the comparison here, the difference between it (left) and the game (right) is astounding!
- Pack 1: Relive Dallas' funeral, the destruction of Eloy, Casey's promotion to the Black Widow Squadron and... the 'hundred percent speech'! 43 cinematics in .VOB format.
- Pack 2: Hawk's story arc, the landing on Dula VII and firing the plasma weapon. In all, 46 movies in .VOB format.
- Pack 3: This final pack includes the game's stunning conclusion, all the losing endgames... and a heck of a lot of briefings! 45 cinematics in .VOB format.
- Source: Prophecy DVD
- In the news: Prophecy Movie Upgrade Patch Released (2006/10/24)
Gameboy Advance Intro
This follows the PC version of the introduction very closely, only rendering everything in 3D. Very impressive.
- Source: Prophecy GBA
- In the news: Prophecy Advance to Intro Cutscene, Collect $200 (2003/06/02)
- See also: Prophecy GBA trailer
- Run-length: 03:57
- Standard version (DivX, 9.6 MB)