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Story Concept Document Download (3.4 MB)
Date: August 2, 1996 |
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Story Concept Document Download (2.1 MB)
Date: July 26, 1996 |
Thanks to those images provided by AD, this new version looks a hell of a lot more like the original stock version. Unfortunately, I don't have the same kind of quality textures as the FMV version which is a big shame. So any further suggestions or corrections, feel free to point them out, but I believe this is as close as its likely to get.
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Story Concept Document Download (1.9 MB)
Date: July 19, 1996 |
In a statement on the company's official forums, GameTap Vice President of content Rick Sanchez said, "While we have been very happy with the work done by our editorial and video teams, we've made a decision to focus the business on our biggest strength, which is our game catalog. As a result, we will be restructuring the site to focus exclusively on gameplay."Good riddance! Now let's see what's left of the service fix what it broke - my subscription money will be eagerly awaiting the return of Wing Commander.In short, as several sources have confirmed to Wired.com, everyone at GameTap who is not in charge of running the games service will be let go in the middle of June.
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Story Concept Document Download (2.6 MB)
Date: July 12, 1996 |
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Story Concept Document Download (3.0 MB)
Date: July 2, 1996 |
The model of the Clydesdale is from the venerable Standoff mod for the Wing Commander Secret Ops. This great work of Eder Vieito has a different interpretation - a little more towards the ship's original Wing Commander II "cleaner" and longer look. The model comes in a supercombo of three scales: 1 / 1000, 1 / 700 and 1 / 200. It has a medium level of difficulty.
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Mission Series Overview Download (5.0 MB)
Date: July 2, 1996 |
I meet Angel in the briefing room, and she tells all of the pilots that with our victory in K’Tithrak Mang the Confederation controls the Enigma sector. With our victory, however, comes the need for vigilance since the Pembroke system we are currently in is a jump nexus between Enigma and Vega sectors. The only way for the Kilrathi to win here is to either take or destroy Pembroke station and block Confed troop movements. In an effort to prevent this, a thorough rotation of patrols will be undertaken. Stingray and I will take the lead patrol. Angel advises us both to use our best judgment when engaging the Kilrathi, but not to get too cocky. She emphasizes that we can’t afford to lose any pilots, and Stingray assures Angel that he’ll help me come back in one piece. For this mission, we’ll be assigned to Super Ferrets with new control systems and two heat seeker missiles. On our first enemy encounter, there are three Drakhri Sarthas. It’s a pretty simple matter of ‘scoot and shoot’, and I take out two of the enemy fighters while Stingray scores a kill. The next wave of Kilrathi are even easier. Just two standard Sarthas, which are wiped out with little effort from the mass drivers of my Ferret. The next nav point is where all the action is! Four stealth fighters are flying escort for a Kamekh. Due to the cloaking ability, the stealth fighters certainly make survival more challenging. I weave around to avoid any stray Kilrathi from getting any easy missile shot at me. I manage to take out two of the cloaked fighters. My aft shields and armor get wiped out, and it looks like Stingray tagged me! This is NOT helping, but I concentrate on any other fighters. Stingray tags a Kilrathi, and now it looks like it’s just the Kamekh. I hear stray stealth fighter attacks, but I don’t see the fighter or any shots so he’s either on my six and a bad shot or attempting to take out Stingray. Due to the fragile Ferret shields, I go full throttle against the Kamekh. My first run gets a very satisfying series of explosions, but that cat does not want to go down yet. On my second pass, I let that Kamekh have a full barrage of guns again and it goes up in a ball of flame. The final stealth fighter decides to reveal itself (nice Kamekh defense there, NOT!) but is blown to bits by my guns. I autopilot back to the Concordia, and wonder how those techs will react.I land and am informed that Angel wants to see me. I meet Angel in her office and tell her that there is certainly clean-up work to do here. I explain that the real action on this mission was the third nav point with the Kamekh. Stingray says we’re a hot team, though I certainly hope he uses a bit more discretion on his target selections. Angel tells us both that she’ll take this to Tactical for analysis. She agrees that there is still a good deal of work to do here in this system.
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Weapons List E-Mails Download (625 kb)
Date: July 1, 1996 |
A lot of it is influenced by the Wing Commander music I've previously composed. Actually, I thought it might be fun for you all to try to guess which Wing Commander pieces influenced which Shaiya pieces. Check it out! BTW, the coolest thing is that it's all LIVE ORCHESTRA and CHOIR!!! Something I tried for years to get Origin to support. It was recorded at the Clint Eastwood Scoring Stage at Warner Bros. just a few week ago. Enjoy!
Here's our very rough translation of each track title (in bold). Wedge has also tried to translate the usage of some tracks to help listeners get a better sense of the music (after the dash).
I could be wrong about these, but I find it easier to appreciate music when I have an idea of what it's supposed to represent.
- Main Theme - Anthem of Shaiya: Title Screen
- Peuroton Tears - ?: Random areas in Erina, Alliance of Light territory.
- Human Town - Beika: Human town
- Chaos of the Continent - Gliter: Major Union of Fury city.
- A Sign of Darkness - ?
- Peaceful Continent - Aelbeageu: Elf town.
- Covert Raid - Union of Fury Frontier Zone.
- Inevitable Destiny of a Blood Enemy - Keolloseu: Major Alliance of Light city.
- Brave Warriors Face Forward - Union of Fury Main Town.
- Second Coming - Loading screen between areas.
- The Road Eteinege - Dungeon?
- Pledge of Darkness - Dungeon
- The Darkness of Satu - ?: Combat music. There's definitely Wing Commander references in this short track.
- The Fate of Struggling Towards Victory - Another combat track, also used in Alliance of Light frontier zones.
- Unity of Light - Alliance of Light frontier zone.
- An Alliance with the Forces of Light - Elf Human Creation: Create/load Alliance of Light characters (Humans and Elves).
- The Anger of the Unity Coalition - ?
- Aura of Darkness - Battle.
- Rebellion - Death Eater: Formerly known as the Nordein and the muscle behind the Union of Fury.
- (Aura of Darkness) Two Wars & Abandonment - ?
- Somebody Wake Me - Combat or 'enemy approaching' track.
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (4.0 MB)
Date: June 28, 1996 |
ORIGIN Systems Announces Wing Commander IV Lift Off; PC CD-ROM Interactive Movie to Make History at Planet Hollywood Event.
Date:Wednesday, February 7 1996
Origin Systems Inc. Product introduction 00203470AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 7, 1996--ORIGIN Systems, an Electronic Arts company and a developer of world famous entertainment software, today announced that it will ship Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom, the latest version of its award-winning, space-combat interactive movie series, for PC CD-ROM on Feb. 9, 1996.
The new title, which breaks new barriers in the blending of Hollywood filmmaking and computer entertainment, will be unveiled on Feb. 8, 1996 at Planet Hollywood in Beverly Hills, California.
At the Planet Hollywood press event, Wing Commander IV stars Mark Hamill and Malcolm McDowell will make special costume presentations to representatives of the restaurant, denoting a historic first for the computer gaming industry. It will mark the first time the restaurant has accepted memorabilia from a CD-ROM computer game. The costumes will be on permanent display at one of the many Planet Hollywood locations around the world. Other Wing Commander IV cast members will also attend the event including John Rhys-Davies and Tom Wilson.
Wing Commander IV was shot on 35 mm film at Ren-Mar Studios in Hollywood and includes several moving cameras and more than 35 elaborate sets, delivering four hours of live-action video with a "feature film" feel to the cinematics. The graphics explode in super VGA color and are further enhanced with photo-realistic texturing. Player interactivity is expanded both in and out of the cockpit allowing game players to have even greater control of missions and drama. A fully-digitized interactive movie score is included along with Dolby Surround Sound.
Wing Commander IV follows on the heels of the highly successful Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger, which sold more than 600,000 copies worldwide and was named "Action Game of the Year" and "Game of the Year" in 1995 by several computer game publications.
All of the highly-talented Wing Commander III cast members returned to film Wing Commander IV, including Hamill (Star Wars), McDowell (A Clockwork Orange, Star Trek: Generations), Wilson (Back to the Future I, II and III), Rhys-Davies (Indiana Jones movies) and Jason Bernard (While You Were Sleeping, Herman's Head.) Wing Commander III Hollywood scriptwriters Terry Borst and Frank DePalma also returned to write Wing Commander IV. Eric Goldstein served as director of photography, and Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts was the executive producer of the new title and directed the live-action portions of the game. more
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (3.8 MB)
Date: June 21, 1996 |
I have modified the existing Excalibur model that was originally done by Micheal "Steele" Boewes. I believe it is an excellent model. I showed this model a few months back, but unmodified as part of some screenshots. Here's an updated version with a slightly different look.
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (3.3 MB)
Date: June 14, 1996 |
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (5.3 MB)
Date: June 7, 1996 |
Thank you again for all the advice, suggestions, and encouragement. This part covers Chris Roberts and Origin briefly. I wanted this to just be a 30 sec blurb at the beginning of the look into WC proper but it kind of ballooned to a short segment so I'll extend the series a bit. Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy it!![]()
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Unknown Mission Series Download (1.4 MB)
Date: June 4, 1996 |
K'Tithrak Mang 4: Tensions are running high at today's briefing. We all know what we're about to hear: That this is the mission to take out K'Tithrak Mang. Angel will be leading the main strike force going in. She assigns me to run a forward to patrol to keep the Concordia safe. Apparently, the Admiral personally requested that. Well, to hell with the Patrol and to hell with Tolwyn. If he's going to court-martial me then it might as well be for something big. I order Sparks to refit my ship with Torpedoes and boy does she comply, loading me down with six. Hopefully that will be enough to take the starbase down.
Some Stealth fighters are waiting in the asteroids for me, but they represent no problem on my way to K'Tithrak Mang. I arrive at the station to find no defenders except for a single ship that I recognise as a Bloodfang, Prince Thrakhath's private fighter. He challenges me to a dogfight and the battle begins. Frankly, Jazz could stand to take some lessons from him and probably would have had he escaped. After a lot of twisting and shooting the Bloodfang finally explodes, I think I saw the flash of an escape pod but I don't have time to check as Thrakhath's 4 Drakhai wingmen decide to avenge his death. I spend a lot of time on afterburners dodging Neutron fire as I gradually work them away from the group one-by-one and take them out. Finally, nothing stands before me but the station. Same tactics here as against the Ralatha, but I release the torpedoes earlier as the flak gets extraordinarily thick close in. The station finally detonates after the second torpedo hits and I set course for the Concordia.
There's quite the reception committee when I land back on deck. Angel congratulates me on being magnificent and in my best Tri-D impersonation I reply "That's my job". The Admiral interrupts our kiss and I steel myself to face him, ready for the worst. He certainly doesn't disappoint with the list of crimes I've committed but lets me off the hook with a "Well done" and a promotion back to my original rank. Angel orders me to her quarters with champagne as the Admiral personally leads the cheers for me.
After the celebrations, I try to think back on the dogfight and work out if we've since the last of Prince Thrakhath.
The plot thickens! On May 31, 1996 the project is in the very earliest stages of development and plans are focusing on things like the makeup of the team, sharing resources with other projects and who will be contracted to write and direct the game's story elements.
There's a lot to read here - it confirms, for instance, that "Maniac Missions" was still a serious project with a planned development team at this point, and that Origin had some involvement in the Wing Commander Academy animated series. There is also a timeline attached, which shows individual deadlines for each element of the project's development. The most surprising thing is that final testing is, at this early date, scheduled to go until April 28, 1998 - some five months after the game ultimately shipped.
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (4.3 MB)
Date: May 31, 1996 |
I designed this to be built and there are no hidden gaps or anything that might prevent someone from making these if they had the right bricks. I will make more MOCs as I have time, but until then, please enjoy and review my Wing Commander III Excalibur!
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (4.3 MB)
Date: May 24, 1996 |
My somewhat loose plan at the moment is to program ship boarding and on-ship character combat for 0.4. Following that I might add planetary combat missions for 0.5, where you'll engage in combat against a horde of Kilrathi, Retros or pirates alongside Confed forces in randomly generated cities. These will probably be a new type of mission for the Mercenaries' Guild. I'll also start work on the scripting part, where players will be able to script 'quests' or 'stories' that other players can load into their game.Parallel to all this, I'll continue to expand the gaming univers with new systems and add small new features and fixes here and there. I think I'll call it version 1.0 when the gaming univers is complete (all four quadrants have been established). I can then continue to add new features for the scripting language based on player/user feedback. I'll also be working on Linux and Mac versions.
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (4.1 MB)
Date: May 17, 1996 |
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (3.6 MB)
Date: May 10, 1996 |
It's been some time since I've updated this model. This one was much tougher to do changes on than any other model I've worked on. It's at 1198 polygons out of the 1200 limit. Should I change anything? Any requests? Hopefully you will see the drastic changes made here.
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MED E-Mails Download (1.1 MB)
Date: May 7, 1996 |
Well gentlemen, I present the final steps of the construction of the Clydesdale. In this sequence of pictures we see some aspects of the final assembly. The model in these pictures is a big 1/200 scale. The size creates some new issues which require care and technique, mainly for not leaving openings or white corners. In general these are filled out with scraps of the textures from a second print of the model made in paper of finer thickness.
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (4.2 MB)
Date: May 3, 1996 |
Here is a fix for the High-Res patch installer. It should solve a crash which is most common on Windows Vista, but may also occur on XP in certain circumstances. If you are experiencing trouble running the regular installer, give this fix a try and let me know if it solves the problem for you.
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Wing Commander V Playstation Bible Download (4.8 MB)
Date: April 30, 1996 |
In the Observation Room, I meet up with Hobbes and Jazz. Hobbes tells me that Downtown is dead, and that he was ambushed by ten Drakhri. Hobbes wonders why he feels the way he does, and Jazz sympathizes and tells him that he felt the same way when he lost his brother on the Goddard colony. I try telling Jazz that I understand why he’s bitter, but he says I don’t really understand his feelings. Hobbes tells me that he’ll be on the flight deck. I meet up with him again later in the barracks, and I ask him if he’s ok since he spent the time on the flight deck just staring into space. Hobbes tells me that even though he treated Downtown like a friend, he really loved him as a son and regrets that he never told this to Downtown. I tell Hobbes that there is still some of the Kilrathi Sukhar May’ya that Paladin brought and that now might be a good time to finish the bottle.
In the briefing room, Angel tells us that enemy fighters have been pursuing us for several hours. We must not let them find us since they would bring more reinforcements, and we lost our support from the William Tell which was destroyed after it jumped out of the system. The Concordia will be forced to do a very dangerous double jump. All fighters will be launched to do a patrol sweep after the first jump. Due to the importance of this mission, Angel will be flying on my wing in a Broadsword. After clearing any resistance, the Concordia will jump again to its designated second jump point. At the first enemy encounter, there are a few Drakhri. I take out this wing with just my forward guns. After we jump, Angel and me see a wing of Sarthas along with a Kamekh. It’s hard to tell if I destroyed any fighters with my rear guns since there is flak going off around us. Angel takes down the shields of the Kamekh, and I finish it off with a barrage of guns. I establish communication with the Concordia, and tell it that the jump point is clear. I then give a kill count score for the mission and land.
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Wing Commander V Organization Chart Download (5.0 MB)
Date: April 30, 1996 |
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (4.3 MB)
Date: April 26, 1996 |
The newer model doesn't have any gun mounts on it yet but... they'll get there...
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Wing Commander V Component Manager Meeting Agenda Download (279 kb)
Date: April 19, 1996 |
Thanks everybody! Hope you enjoy the new features!It's important for me to point out, though, that the most important new feature (character combat) hasn't got all that much use yet. You can get character assassination missions, but that's about it. Character combat will become a lot more interesting in v0.4 where you'll be able to disable an enemy ship, board it, kill the crew and make off with the cargo (doing this will reward you with a lot more cargo than simply blowing it up).
Besides working on these future versions, I'm currently moving away from programming in Borland Pascal 7.0. Instead, I'll be programming in FreePascal and use SDL for all video, keyboard and mouse functions. FreePascal and SDL is platform independent, which means that I will be able to compile the game for Windows, Linux and (theoretically) Mac. I'll also be able to add sound effects and music.
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Wing Commander Editor Specs Download (684 kb)
Date: April 18, 1996 |
There's good news from Spacetime Studios, a company made up of an amazing list of Wing Commander veterans including Anthony Sommers, Chris Douglas, Cinco Barnes, Jake Rodgers and Reece Thornton. They've worked out an agreement to keep the rights to the "Blackstar" universe, the setting of the MMORPG they had been previously been developing for Richard Garriott's NCSoft.
Their new title, Blackstar Chronicles, will be a traditional single/multiplayer experience which includes Wing Commander-inspired spacecombat and a truly brilliant style of artwork. A beautiful PDF with details on the game can be found here. Here's the official word:
AUSTIN, Texas – May 8, 2008 -- Spacetime Studios, LLC announced today it has acquired the rights to the Blackstar IP from its previous publisher NCsoft. Spacetime Studios, an independent game development studio made up of industry veterans, now fully owns all the tools, technology and intellectual property from their previous publishing deal. Set in the far future, Blackstar is a fresh universe full of wildly original space fighters, horrifying demonic enemies and epic drama. “The IP lends itself to almost any kind of gameplay that one could ask for, and was specifically designed to be a long-term franchise,” said Cinco Barnes, creative director and co-founder of Spacetime Studios. “It’s a nice sweet spot when you own all the puzzle pieces and we now have extraordinary flexibility in where to take the game universe next.”“After two years of development, the Blackstar universe is quite near and dear to our hearts” said Gary Gattis, executive producer and co-founder of Spacetime Studios. “Owning the IP as well as the engine and tool set puts a tremendous amount of potential in our hands. With all the developed components under the Spacetime team’s control, the options for the IP are diversified.”
The new “Blackstar Chronicles” development underway is a space fantasy combat game based on the single-player traditions of “Wing Commander” and the multiplayer feel of “Descent.” “The Blackstar Chronicles is a very powerful product,” said Jake Rodgers, art director and co-founder of Spacetime Studios. “The Blackstar universe has the potential to be something special and it’s great that we are able to bring the IP to fruition.”
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Wing V Component Manager Meeting Archive Download (489 kb)
Date: Unknown |
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Wing Commander V plot proposal Download (543 kb)
Date: Unknown |
We are proud to present a new daily feature which represents a major part of our mission -- the preservation and study of Wing Commander's history. Thanks to several very generous material donations we have been able to put together an impressive archive of documents relating to the development of Wing Commander Prophecy.
Just over twelve years ago the development team first met to put together a plan for what was then called Wing Commander V. It was a project full of firsts -- the first Wing Commander game designed for the ground up for the PC and the Playstation simultaneously, the first one to include multiplayer and the first one without Chris Roberts at the helm.
We would like to thank Prophecy Lead Billy Cain, Designer Captain Johnny Guentzel and Joe Garrity's Origin Museum for all the help and material provided for this project. We'll be running through all the dated documents in order and then providing a series of interesting undated ones. We will end by looking through Billy Cain's project bible for the game! Lets get started!
Today's document is the earliest yet identified -- so early, in fact, that it dates to just days after Wing Commander IV hit store shelves. This is the first of two rough plot pitches for the game... this one by Chris Douglas, whose artwork defined the style of Wing Commander III and IV. Mr. Douglas didn't go on to continue work on Prophecy... but his story is certainly very interesting.
Obviously the first thing you will notice is how different (and interesting) this pitch is -- military governor Blair, the return of Prince Thrakhath, Lt. Connor White and the TCS Eagle. I think that a close study, however, reveals some similarities -- and gives you a good idea of what basic elements potential script: the new character, the two alien races, the requirement that Blair be included in the story.
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Wing Commander 5 Game Design Document Download (2.5 mb)
Date: Feb. 15th, 1996 |
Yet again, we've managed to go several months without an update. Honestly, every time we celebrate the release of another episode, it gets a little harder to get back to work ;-). Still, once more into the breach...That's not to say we have not made progress, though. Although things have been all too quiet lately, Standoff continues to make small steps towards completion - and this time, we're really talking about completion, since finishing this episode means finishing Standoff entirely. And about time :-P.
So, what have we been up to this year? Well, since most of the other graphics are done (you won't see much in the way of new ships this episode :-P ), I've been concentrating on pre-rendered cutscenes. Episode 5 has quite a few of them - indeed, even the intro this time will be pre-rendered, as there was no way this particular intro could be created as an in-game cutscene in any reasonable amount of time. This one will be particularly interesting, you'll see... :-)
In the meantime, Quarto, Pierre and Pedro have been working on missions. I'm actually rather disappointed in their progress - Quarto keeps promising me that next update, I won't have any red left on the progress chart, but... well, see, it's still there, next to in-game cutscenes and fiction :-P. Still, there is steady progress. Just, you know, not much of it. So, if you want to see Standoff's Episode 5 out this year, feel free to drop by the forum and let those lazy bastards know what you think about that... :-P
Oh, and since we don't at the moment have too much to post in screenshots, we've finally updated the characters page, adding profiles for the last three cutscene characters - Saxman, Popsicle and Henderson. That's gotta count for something. :-P
Two weeks later, the Concordia jumps into the Tesla system. The time has just flown by and Sparks comments that she hasn't seen me much lately. I'm really coming to appreciate her no-nonsense approach to the situation as she checks to make sure the thing with Angel is for the right reasons and re-assures me about my importance to the Concordia. After all, Tolwyn hasn't sent me home yet.Today's mission promises to be an exciting one. There's a Kilrathi listening post in the system and we're to take it out using the single torpedo on an Epee. Delivering a torpedo run in the fragile Epee will be a challenge, but I'm up for it. No, wait, that's someone else's mission. Instead I get to patrol the system with Stingray. Yay. We set off in our Rapiers to find some Jalkehi in the asteroids, I still don't like dogfighting in asteroids but the Jalkehi like it even less. Nav 2 contains a suprise, a Free Trader being bombed by Grikath. Stingray engages one as I swoop in on another in the middle of a torpedo run. My shots arrive just as the torpedo drops off it's mount and detonate it, taking the Grikath with it. Stingray and I double-team the remaining Grikath with Stingray claiming the kill. The Free Trader turns out to be Paladin's Bonnie Heather and we escort it back to the Concordia. No doubt something big is happening. Angel seems distracted as well, keeping herself busy in her work.
Kevin Kiner has been in Prague recording his orchestral score for the upcoming animated feature film Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This Lucasfilm Animation production will be released theatrically by Warner Bros. on August 15 and is the first in a series of animated Star Wars films, the others to be broadcast on television. Kiner has already scored more than a dozen of these episodes. Dave Filoni (Avatar: The Last Airbender) is the supervising director of the series and also helms the feature film, and George Lucas is producing. Kevin Kiner is best known for his Wing Commander score, and has also written the music for the 1993 horror film Leprechaun, the Star Trek: Enterprise TV series and the comedy The Pest.
We were talking one day as we were working on Pearl Harbor and I mentioned to Newt that I felt I had a real grasp of Civil War battles, from a lot of experience as a reenactor etc., but I did not yet quite have the feel of what it must have been like aboard a carrier, in the heat of action. Yes, I had visited the fabled Yorktown at Patriot’s Point in Charleston Harbor and spent nearly a day crawling around every inch I could get access to, but it was not “alive,” at that moment, it is a museum, a wonderful museum that if you are within five hundred miles of Charleston you must immediately go and visit, but it is not alive. A Civil War analogy. Take a look at a cannon at any battlefield park. You can learn a lot from studying it, even simulating loading it, but imagine actually firing it for real. That is what I sought..... but his lack of aircraft carrier experience didn't stop him from writing several great Wing Commander books set aboard them! It's also interesting to note that the Wing Commander IV team visited the USS Lexington early in that project's development cycle in order to get the look and feel of the real thing down correctly.
I've managed to complete the Privateer Gemini Gold HD intro during the last weeks. Indeed I thought I would never find the time to do it but then... and it would be a shame to hold it back until the next version of Gemini Gold is complete, would it? Also there might be some "space" to improve it! I would like to hear your feedback and suggestions about it. But this is also a call for help. If somebody would like to contribute Mr. Burrows i would be more than happy to make him show up again.You can download it here (22.6mb).Another team member, Don, is already working on the Privateer Outro. But it is too early to show anything yet.. For now, please enjoy the movie and have a nice weekend!
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