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Movie Novelization

From - Sat Jun 06 12:30:47 1998
Subject: Re: Wing Commander


Wow! Thanks for the offer, I'd be honored to help you with your Wing Commander book projects. Just tell me what you need, and I'll be more than happy to help. As for pictures, you can download all of the pics I have on the WC movie (most are behind-the-scenes stuff though) at

I am also forwarding your note to Loaf, who not only runs another Wing Commander news webpage, but also knows the WC universe and timeline like the back of his hand. It's pretty scary, actually. Hopefully he'll be able to help you out as well. :)

Thanks again for the offer, be in touch.

-Dan wrote:
> Dan:
> Love your WC page. I'm set to write the novelization and some original novels
> based on the Wing Commander film to be published by HarperCollins.
> Wanna Help? No pay involved, just be willing to email me everything you got
> (JPEGs etc) on the film, plus answer questions about the WC universe. I need
> an expert fan to help out. You'll definitely get a thank you in the books.
> Let me know.
> Peter Telep

Dan Finkelstein ICQ: 2350857
Dan's Wing Commander Movie Page:
"I intend to live forever - so far, so good."


From - Sat Jun 06 23:43:51 1998
Subject: Re: Wing Commander

Hey, Ben:

I'm glad you and Dan are willing to help. Nine years worth of material is a lot to hold in any one writer's head. I've visited a lot of Wing Commander sites, hunting down material, and I know I've come to the right people. The fans usually know the material better than the writers anyway! It's sometimes more important to them!

Anway, I'll humbly except whatever you have: ship specs, war history, notes on the Kilrathi, whatever you got. My first book will be a straightforward novelization of the film script with the usual embellishment--but I want to add stuff from the universe and not simply make up a bunch of crap the fans will despise anyway. Remember this, the film and the two books I'll write afterward will be set during the time of the first Wing Commander game and spin off on the events of the film. The film script gives a date: 2654. So if you could keep your material focused on that, then I think we'll be on the right track.

Now the sticky part. You can't let anyone know what we're up to. I could be sued by Digital Anvil and HarperCollins for revealing that I'm the writer and what the project is. I can't give you any details on the movie, but I'll say this: the second I'm able to release material, you guys will be the first ones to have it. I can even send you a photocopy of the original screenplay, which I'm looking at right now. I hope you understand the importance of this. And I will be happy to mention your name as well as Dan's in all of the books.

Let me know how this sounds. And thanks again.


PS: I don't know what's up with Baen v. HarperCollins on the books. I just know that my editors came to me with this deal. I assume Baen's license ran out.


From - Mon Jun 08 14:39:53 1998
Subject: Re: Wing Commander


Can you get me info on the first Wing Commander Academy episode (Red and Blue) and Wing1/WCA/various Vega campaign references?

Here's a list of characters and vessels in the film. Ignore my notes regarding them.

Admiral Bill Wilson: grey haired, mid-fifties, thick around the middle.

Admiral Tolwyn:

Commodore Richard Bellegarde:


Lt. Christopher Blair: (Hero) Freddie Prinze Jr.

Todd "Maniac" Marshall:

James Taggart "Paladin": a grim, ruggedly handsome man of indeterminate age; pirate.

Kilrathi Captain

Kilrathi Admiral: scarred face, distorted, one eye missing.

Lieutenant Commander Jeanette (Angel) Deveraux: brunette, thirty-two, hair up.

Captain (Jay) Sansky: The Tiger Claw's commanding officer. Middle-aged. Bald.

Commander Gerald: (Pronchow)

Hunter: a male pilot.

Polanski: a male pilot with a long scar running down his face.

Rosie Forbes: brains, beauty, and a warrior's soul.

Knight: (male pilot) a big, black, friendly face. (He dies).

Obutu: receives orders from Sansky. (Is he in the games?)

Specialists Jones and Olivia: lock down missile racks.

Spaceman Rodriguez, 2nd class, a young Latino.

Engineer Davies (Tiger Claw)

Peterson (flight deck chief?)

Here are the ships:

Asteroid World Pegasus: a mobile naval base

Claw-shaped Kilrathi fighters (probably Dralthi IV)

Confed captial ships

Kilrathi capital ships

Concorida: a massive battleship (Tolwyn and Bellegarde stationed here) has a battle group.

The Diligent: a merchantman ship.

The Tiger Claw (United Confederation Ship--Captain Sansky's ship)

Snakeir: a Kilrathi battleship.

Confederation Rapier Fighters:

Kilrathi Communications Ship

Kilrathi Dralthi fighters

Broadsword Bomber

Krant fighter

Kilrathi Destroyer


Kilrathi ComCon ship

Kilrathi Cruiser

What is the distinction between calling a ship "a ship" and calling it a captial ship?

I found Wing Commander II and III at my local game store. Any chance of me somehow getting a copy of the first game? Or at least the manuals? Know of anyone selling them?

Thanks for all your help, Ben. I really appreciate it. And please keep this confidential.



From - Tue Jun 09 16:58:15 1998
Subject: Re: Wing Commander


Thanks so much for sending the WC 1 game. I read through the Victory Streak that came with WC3 and found it very helpful.

Here's my address:

[Censored--although I'll note that it has the word 'Beacontree' in it, which he would later use as a carrier name in Pilgrim Stars]

Thanks again,



From - Mon Jun 08 14:40:01 1998
Subject: More questions


Do you know anything about the Pilgrim War? Or is this new to the WC universe? Also, I'm having a hard time finding the Kilrathi Krant and Salthi fighters in my materials. Info on them would be great.

Know anything about the Peron massacre? Or about what Piligrims' crosses look like?

In the screenplay, the Tiger's Claw is called The Tiger Claw. Which one would you suggest that I use? I think I'd prefer Tiger's since that keeps with the game.




From - Wed Jun 17 18:32:29 1998
Subject: The pressure is on...

Hey, Ben:

Any idea when you'll have the WC materials ready? I've received a lot of stuff already from my neighbors, who are also big WC fans. I'm already 50 pages into the novelization because the book is due August 15.

Thanks again!



From - Wed Jun 17 18:32:33 1998
Subject: WC First Game


I received the first game in the mail today. Wow! Thanks so much. And three bucks to mail it to me? I'll make that up to you with free copies of the books. Don't buy any of them. I have your address now.

Thanks again!



From - Thu Jun 18 08:29:36 1998
Subject: Re: The pressure is on...


I got the game and emailed you about it. Thanks!

I think we're both going to find some anachronisms in the film version that contradict elements in the game. I'll do my best to correct these, but things like having the Concordia around and a Snakeir class ship I can't change.

What do you know about Blair's childhood? My book starts one month after he's graduated from the academy and en route to his first real assignment aboard the TCS Tiger's Claw. According to the film script, his father and mother are both dead, and his mother was a "Pilgrim." Have Pilgrims already been established in the WC universe or is this a new addition presented in the film? If you're unfamiliar with the term, then I know it's new stuff.

What ever you can get me will be just great. You decide how detailed the info should be. But don't go out of your mind over this. If I'm unsure of something, I'll just email you to "try out" the idea.

Thanks, Ben!



From - Fri Jun 19 23:06:07 1998
Subject: File attachment


Thanks for all the great data on the characters!

I tried to download the file attachment, but my computer won't let me read the file. Can you send images in .jpg format? I know that works.




From - Fri Jun 19 23:12:34 1998
Subject: Okay... okay


Sorry. I forgot that you zipped the files. No problem. I got them now!



From - Sat Jun 20 00:08:11 1998
Subject: Questions


To answer some of your questions and pose more:

The movie is set in the Vega Sector of space, near the Charybdis Quasar. And also in the Enyo system.

Can you tell me more about The Church of Man from Privateer?

So both Marshall and Blair graduated from the TCSNA on Hilthros in 2654. This is valuable data. I had them in Houston, where Tolwyn graduated. I thought there was only one academy!

Can you define for me the use of dates in the WC universe. What's 2654.110 mean? Is the 110 the one hundred and tenth day of the year? Thus far, I haven't found much need for this, but it would be great to know.

Do you know the names of Blair's parents? The film script calls his father Arnold Blair.

Know anything about a Commodore Richard Bellegarde?

I think the Kilrathi admiral will just be a member of the Kiranka clan. He's the battlegroup commander. I'm calling him Bokoth nar Kiranka. The ship's called the Grist'Ar'roc, and its captain is Thiraka, he, too of the Kiranka clan. None of this stuff is in the script. The Kilrathi are pretty much your standard, unnamed villans in the screenplay. What I'm doing with the Kilrathi is pretty cool. I'm setting up a power struggle between the Kilrathi captain and the admiral that parallels another power struggle I'm setting up with Tolwyn and his second in command, Commodore Bellegarde. Both lower ranked guys see the admiral as an intruder. Thiraka is escpecially threatened since his father doesn't believe him to be a warrior. The admiral is viewed a spy for the clan. I'm having fun with it. Think I'll bring in the Kilrathi Emperor in later books for reason I can't tell you now without spoiling the movie for you!

Hey, when were skipper missiles invented? I know they're used in the WC III game. Could they be around in 2654? I hope so.

Well, that's enough for now. Thanks again, Ben. I'll fly your wing any day, dude.



From - Mon Jun 22 23:25:27 1998
Subject: Re: Questions


You asked about how the war history is being developed.

I can tell you this much:

The Iason is mentioned.

Paladin reveals some interesting surprises.

A whole second war, prior to the Kilrathi struggle, is developed and relates directly to Blair. This dimension I think you'll find especially intriguing. I'm gonna run with this notion for the two continuity novels.

I'm getting the storyboards for the film tomorrow. I'll let you know how they look. I told the folks at Digital Anvil how helpful you've been. They thought it was extremely cool of me to get help from a fan par excellance. I quoted Spock, "I have no ego to bruise." I just want the book to kick ass. And thanks again for the help.



From - Tue Jun 23 09:16:04 1998
Subject: Vega and ship data


Thanks for all the great stuff. The ship list is incredible. You can certainly mention what I've done and my asking for help to Origin. I think this is the way ALL writers working in complex universes should operate. There's no way I can keep 9 years of material straight. And remember, you will LITERALLY become part of the Wing Commander universe by having your name mentioned prominently in the books!

In terms of the timeline: the Iason incident occurs according to established WC history. The rest of the movie takes place over the course of three days, from March 15, 2654 to March 17, 2654. I plan on limiting the time frame in my continuity novels to 2654-55. I think I can do a better job focusing on Blair's early days. There are so many opportunities for me to royally screw things up if I attempt to "retell" the stories laid out in the games. And who'd want to read that, anyway? I worry, though, that this limited time frame might make the books less "epic" in feel. Then again, by shifting points of view, I can broaden the scope. One other notion I have is to tell a book in the first person. Have Blair tell his own story. I don't think that's been done yet in any WC novels (I have six in the third person). What do you think?



From - Thu Jun 25 12:09:58 1998
Subject: Re: Vega and ship data


A timeline for the Tiger's Claw years would be excellent. And you can note on it opportunities where I can create new missions etc.

Also, can you get me more info on the names of jobs on the Claw. For example, the script gives a character who has the job of Flight Boss. I figured out what he does, but I find myself using script-given job descriptions that might be inaccurate, like navigation officer, comm officer, radar officer, etc. These seem kind of generic, though they sound accurate. I already have the list of military ranks provided with the WCIII game (the Victory Streak stuff). So any data you have on jobs aboard the Claw would be invaluable. Also, if you can note what rank an officer, noncom, or enlisted person needs to hold to have that job. This may be too much to ask, but I figured, what the hell, I'd pose the question. I've also got a character named Obutu (given in the script), but I'm not sure of his rank. I made him a Lieutenant Commander, but I can easily change that.



PS: I got the storyboards. They look extremely cool!


From - Mon Jul 06 11:37:30 1998
Subject: Re: Vega and ship data


Just keep on working and sending whatever you can! I won't need the timeline for a few weeks anyway. I'm trying to plan stories that will fit in that empty time zone you're talking about so I won't contradict known WC history.

Thanks again!



From - Wed Jul 29 09:12:26 1998
Subject: Re: WC and such...


Things are going swell on this end. I should finish the book by early next week and have more questions for you since I'll spend another week revising. You've done so much already! Thanks!



From - Tue Aug 11 15:49:20 1998
Subject: Acknowledgements


Do you have anything special you'll like me to say about you in the acknowledgments for the WC novel?

Let me know,



From - Tue Nov 17 14:33:16 1998
Subject: WC

Hey, Ben:

Just checked out your update on the CIC page. You might want to add that HarperCollins hopes to use the movie art for the covers of the books. The covers you see now are preliminary designs made solely for solicitation purposes (to presell books). However, if HC doesn't get the art in time, the cover my remain as is. I hope not! The cover is cool but seems better suited for a novel about the infantry (ie. Blair's holding a rifle). I hope they get the art!

Also, I just received approval to begin the next Wing Commander book called Pilgrim Stars. It should be published some time next year.

Take care,



From - Wed Nov 18 15:19:08 1998
Subject: Re: WC


Answers to your questions:

I'm not sure where the art is supposed to come from, but it should match the movie posters, etc.

I just received cover flats for both books. If I can persuade my neighbor to scan them in for me, I'll email you large versions.

Yes, I did the junior novel as well. An abridged version of the adult novel sans the sex and swearing. Violence, they tell me, is okay, though!

The next book will spin off right from where the movie ends, plus there's a new chapter in the novelization that isn't in the movie that helps tie the new book in with the movie story. You'll have fun with that one. Yes, as the title implies, we'll learn more about the Pilgrims, about Blair, and about Taggart. I'll keep you posted, and may need help in the coming months! BTW, you're mentioned in a big way in the WC movie novel!



From - Tue Jan 05 14:42:33 1999
Subject: Re: Some general WC stuff...

Hey, Ben:

I'm not sure what the cover of the novelization and jr. novel will be, but I have a feeling it may not change (chagrin). I guess the true fans will find the novels no matter what's on the cover! I heard my books went to print last month, so it doesn't surprise me that Barnes and Noble will have them early, but I wouldn't trust any dates in January. The books' pub dates are March 99, which usually means the books appear 1 month prior in the stores (Feb).

If you want to do anything to help right now, I'd appreciate you talking up my Descent book on the CIC (perhaps include the cover--hint hint--and mention how it focuses on an ex-Marine Corps fighter pilot). Anyone who enjoys military science fiction and humor should get a kick out of it.

Also, I'm about half way done with Pilgrim Stars. No pub date set yet, but I expect that it will appear in the Fall of this year, with the second novel in early Spring 2000.

Thanks for all your help. And remember, when I get my free copies, I'll be sending some your way.



From - Wed Jan 06 20:55:27 1999
Subject: Re: Some general WC stuff...


No hardcover for any of the WC books. Sorry!

I'll definitely be writing two more WC books, Pilgrim Stars (as previously mentioned) and another book (already been contracted, paid, etc.--so two books fer sure, dude). I envision the movie story and my two books as a trilogy. Since I haven't been contracted to write any more after the third, I figured I might as well tie up my contributions to the WC universe. If HC wants me to write more after that, I'll create another story arc.

Thanks for the help in plugging Descent! I really appreciate it. I'll send you a comp copy when I get a bunch from the publisher.



From - Fri Jan 29 11:08:11 1999
Subject: WC books


I just received a big box of 40 Wing Commander junior novels. I should get the adult novel today or tomorrow. When I do, I'll sign up some copies and send 'em your way. I know you've bought one from B&N, but I think you deserve this signed ones--since you've now "officially" attached yourself forever to the WC universe by having your name in the book!


(PS: I'm 320 pages into Pilgrim Stars. I'll probably turn in the book around the end of Feb.)


From - Sat Jan 30 02:49:31 1999
Subject: Re: WC books


Check the acknowledgments page for you name!



From - Sun Jan 31 09:39:33 1999
Subject: Book review


Thanks for your kind words on the CIC site! Would it be too much trouble for you to go to and write a short review of the book? Also, if you'd be interested, I could give you an interview for the site and provide fans with some insight into the writing (answer questions like why Merlin is still in the book etc.) Might be fun.



From - Thu Feb 04 13:34:45 1999
Subject: Release date


That late release date is news to me. It may or may not suck for book sales. I guess the sales will be pretty dry until the movie comes out, but you never know. What might actually happen is that fans read the novel, then, perhaps, see the film, which, in that order is always disappointing (at least for me). It's hard for a film to live up to your imagination, eh? My job as a writer is to get you to imagine. The film's job is to show you what the filmmakers imagined. It's a little different...


PS: I'm putting together a bunch of books to ship out. Yours should be coming soon.


From - Fri Feb 05 14:46:01 1999
Subject: Fwd: Wing Commander


Good news, straight from the source!


From: "Douglas,John"
To: "Silbersack,John" ,
"Wasserman,Amy" ,
"Moore, Helen"
Cc: "'Telep, Peter'" ,
"Miller, Richard" ,
"'Ladyman, David'"
Subject: Wing Commander
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 18:15:58 -0500

I just got off the phone with Rand Marlis at Creative Licensing and we now have a release date for the Wing Commander movie.

It will open 3/12/99 with a major national release of at least 2000 screen= s. There will be a heavy TV advertising buy in support of the release.

As a final bonus, it looks like the final Star Wars preview for the May movie will be used as an opening trailer when our movie hits the theaters.

I mentioned this last week but I'll plug the information again. Last Frida= y a teen romance movie, She's All That, opened. It was the #1 Box office mov= ie for the weekend. It stars Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Matthew Lillard and they are both lead actors in Wing Commander. Good buzz, hot box office. What mo= re could we ask?



From - Fri Feb 05 14:46:07 1999
Subject: Zulu time


I heard that Zulu time is used once or twice in the movie in the form of a caption. I'm sticking with the digital clock that Chris and the others use. I'd actually rather use Zulu, but David Ladyman at Incan Monkey God feels strongly about the digitally clock, so that's what's used in the Confed handbook.



From - Fri Feb 05 14:46:08 1999
Subject: Address

I think I have it, but why not give it to me again.



From - Sun Jan 31 13:54:39 1999
Subject: Re: Book review


Wow! Thanks for the awesome review. I hate to stroke you, but it's so cool to get input from someone who not only knows the material better than me but can also articulate his thoughts so clearly. Kudos, dude!

As far as the interview goes, whatever you want to do is fine with me. A phone call is, of course, the easiest, and being on real audio would be a first for me! Let me know what you decide!



From - Fri Feb 12 14:58:02 1999
Subject: Books etc.

Hey, Ben:

Sorry I've been so late in getting the books to you. I have to wrap up and mail a bunch off (one to sister in NY etc). But they'll be coming soon! Hey, can you plug Descent: Stealing Thunder on the CIC? just posted the cover yesterday. Thanks! And I'm getting chills as March 12 draws near!


PS: Question: Do the Kilrathi have a heart (physically?) or hearts? Is this mentioned anywhere in the other novels? Also, I'm toying with numbers for the squadrons aboard the Tiger Claw. Right now I've just called them first, second, third squadron for simplicity. What would you suggest? In Space: AAB, we had the five-eight etc. Sounds more realistic to me. I already know we have the 88th fighter wing on the Claw (confed handbook). Just need to number the squadrons.


From - Sat Feb 13 14:53:38 1999
Subject: Re: Books etc.


Thanks for the info on Kilrathi and squadrons. I'm sure I'll have more questions as I get ready to finish the book and begin revision.



From - Thu Mar 04 09:08:00 1999
Subject: WC books at Walmart and Target

Hey, Ben:

I spotted all of my books at my local Target and Walmart here in Orlando. Guess they're getting pretty good distribution!



From - Fri Feb 19 11:50:23 1999
Subject: Re: WC Trailer


I'd love to go to the premiere, providing its in Orlando! My guess is it'll be in Austin?

Lemme know.



From - Thu Mar 04 18:05:52 1999
Subject: Re: WC books at Walmart and Target


I'm editing Pilgrim Stars this week and dropping it in the mail to the publishers on Monday. It's decent sized book (463 manuscript pages--about 300 or so published) and I'm pretty psyched about it. I do think it's much more accurate and faithful to the film and Chris's book than the novelization. It's nice to be able to go back and fix things. Next week, I'll begin work on the next novel, Pilgrim Trust, which should tie up this trilogy.



From - Fri Mar 05 22:37:41 1999
Subject: Pilgrim Stuff


Go ahead and post all you'd like about the books. I just came up with the title Pilgrim Trust after going over some ideas and running about a hundred different words after the word Pilgrim to get something snappy and something that has thematic meaning. Pilgrim Stars is all about the Pilgrims' quest for the stars and issues of loyalty and trust come up big time at the end of the book, so Trust seemed the natural segue.

As far as publication dates, HarperCollins has promised the licensor that it will print BOTH books within one year of the release of the film. So you won't have long to wait. I only get 120 days to write each book from the date each outlined is approved, meaning next week I'll work on the outline for PT (hey, those are my initials!), wait a week or two for approval, then get four months to rock like a mother. I wrote Pilgrim Stars in thirteen weeks. But that's about right for me. It's seems fast, but it really isn't. That's only about 35 pages a week. Nothing for me.



From - Sat Mar 06 22:35:36 1999
Subject: Re: Pilgrim Stuff

In a message dated 3/5/99 11:06:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< When in relation to the movie does it take place? Has anybody said anything about being careful not to change too much because of a potential sequel? >>

Pilgrim Stars picks up the action just a few days after the film. Remember that my epilogue is the inciting incident that drives the novel. No one has had any problems with letting me just riff away on this stuff. My outline for Pilgrim Stars was approved without a single change. They either liked it or didn't have time to read it before approving!

Also, I went to my first day at Megacon today. What a trip. I got a Wing Commander T-shirt from Arite Starr, a Star Trek Comic book guy who also does film promotion. I got Wing Commander postcards, and a pass to an advance screening here in Orlando. I'm going Tuesday night at 7:30. Wish I could get down to the big premiere, but my work at the University keeps me tied here. The T-shirt is absolutely bitchin': Black long sleever with WING COMMANDER written down one sleeve, and the nose art logos (four of 'em) plastered down the center of the shirt. Coolest T I've seen in years!

BTW: The more I think about it, the more I think you're right about the Pilgrim Trust/Truth thing. Pilgrim Truth has a fuller ring. I think I'll go with that. So make the correction on your site, and give yourself credit for the change! Also, the novelization, Pilgrim Stars, and Pilgrim Truth represent a three-part arc that I'm doing, so there are only TWO more books after the novelization. I think you might have written three. But hey, three would be good!



From - Mon Mar 08 03:41:50 1999
Subject: Descent and WC


Descent: Stealing Thunder, due out April 1999. Should be in stores in a couple of weeks. I haven't seen a copy yet. Once my editor swings a couple my way, that usually means we're close to shipping.

No, I couldn't get my hands on anymore WC shirts. Can you believe the guy was giving them away? Also, I contacted my local Fox news station here. They just ran a little clip tonight about the Star Wars trailer being attached to Wing Commander. I'm gonna see if they'll interview me. If they do, I'll save the tape and send one up to you.


PS: will you be updating the site with reports of WC's gross at the box office? That's real important stuff to business dudes like me!


From - Fri Mar 19 18:49:18 1999
Subject: Help with my Star Wars Trailer


I think George Lucas himself has cursed my download of the Star Wars Trailer. My windows media player keeps giving me the message "unable to download an appropriate decompressor," and I only get audio. Do you know how to fix or someone who does?




From - Sun Mar 21 10:18:36 1999
Subject: Re: Help with my Star Wars Trailer


I solved my trailer problem. As far as the movie is concerned, just between you and I, I'm carefully guarding my response (lest my criticism reaches DA and others who happily employ me). Let's just say that the movie really wanted me to see more!



From - Sun Mar 21 10:18:37 1999
Subject: Re: correction to last message

Correction: The movie really made me want to see more! (it's early in AM!)



From - Fri Mar 26 08:04:32 1999
Subject: EB Chat w/ Roberts bites weiner

Hey, Ben:

The EB chat sucked. It was slow and only five or six people got questions through. Even I didn't get through and logged on with my real name. Oh, well....


False Colors

From - Tue Jul 28 03:29:15 1998
Subject: Re: False Colors

Ben, I don't have any questions right now except what is your snail-mail address.

Baen would like to send you a courtesy copy of the book when it's available for the help you've been giving me. It's not much, but it's the thought...



From - Tue Jul 28 03:29:21 1998
Subject: Re: False Colors

Here are my questions for today:

1. You have spelled Montclair and Montclaire -- which one is right?

2. Vakoth or Vaktoth-class heavy fighters?

3. You have Dralthi and Draltha fighters, K/F've used medium fighters, and the Dralthi is light/medium (?) according to your list. ???? Which one?

4. They've used Broadswords as obsolete heavy fighters. You have them listed as bombers. Should I let them use Broadswords, or can you suggest a replacement model for an obsolete heavy fighter that privateers could have bought cheap and refurbished?

Please let me know...

FYI, I'll be getting this back to Baen this week, and I know they're anxious to get it published. You should be seeing it soon ... and it's a good story. I know nothing about this universe, and I'm hooked.

Thanks again,



From - Mon Jul 27 12:05:03 1998
Subject: Re: False Colors

Thanks, and I've already told Baen that they should give you a courtesy copy of this book, because you were there for me when they weren't



From - Sun Jul 26 05:10:25 1998
Subject: Re: False Colors

Thanks - I need:

-the Kilrathi military rank structure, with correct spellings e.g., why would they call someone an "Admiral" and his junior a "hyilghar"? Isn't there by a Kilrathi word for "Admiral"?
-a list of ConFed ship types (all, I'm afraid), and also, would the Landreich call them the "confees"? That's what someone from the planet Landreich is doing, and it's too consistent to be a misspelling. I thought they were "confeds."
-the names of anyone (ape or cat ) who's important to the WC universe in 2670-71.

I think that's all I need for now.

Thanks again...



From - Sun Jul 26 05:10:26 1998
Subject: Re: False Colors

Thanks -- I just took a look at the rest of my messages, and there it was, plain as day.

Now I need some of the same info for the human side. Miliraty ranks are obvious, but as I said, I need names of anyone important in 2670-71. BTW, "Doomsday" is Dumas. Should I change that?

Let me know, please...



From - Sun Jul 26 18:26:43 1998
Subject: Re: False Colors

> Jason "Bear" Bondarevsky

He's there, and referenced correctly

> President Hans Kruger


> Janet "Sparks" McCullough*

Janet "Sparks" Sparico ???? Which is correct?

> Etienne "Doomsday" Montclair

we already discussed this one

> Kirha nar Ragitagha (well, Kirha nar Aussie)

not there yet

> Vance Richards
> Senator James "Paladin" Taggart
> Kevin "Lone Wolf" Tolwyn
> Geoffrey Tolwyn

present and accounted for???

Change the two above, I guess, if those are their names in the established universe.

Thanks again,



From - Mon Jul 27 05:10:48 1998
Subject: Re: False Colors

Not yet... is it still ok to ask? I'll be working on it more tomorrow.



From - Fri Jul 24 22:23:55 1998
Subject: False Colors

Hi, I'm editing "False Colors" for Baen Books and I have to do it fast so that all of you can get it. I need some help, and I found you on the Wing Commander Homsector page.

Can you point me to (on the Web), or provide me with, a Kilrathi glossary? In specific, I need to know the names and spelling of their military ranks, ships, personnel, colonized worlds, etc. I'm gonna be working on it this weekend and I can't raise anybody at Baen.



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