Wing 0 is a mini-game developed for System Shock CD by Sean Barrett. His biography says the following about the game:
"...for the CD game I outdid myself with a relatively complete Wing Commander minigame, Wing 0--written just before Wing 3 was released, it's both an homage and a parody, featuring, for example, one pacifistic wingman who refuses to fight (and strangely never gets attacked either, because he's actually a traitor!!!), a mission where you get something like 8 wingmen, and a final 'aww, what the heck, let's send you out by yourself to defeat their entire armada' mission."
A System Shock PC-CD saved game with Wing 0 already located is available for download here (500k).
Movement - Mouse/Joystick
Fire Guns - Left Click
Autopilot - Left Click (Nav Clear)
Accelerate - Right Click
Player Ship Armament: (2) Laser Cannon Max. Speed: 150 kps |
Pirate Armament: (2) Laser Cannon |
Tri-Lacky Armament: (2) Laser Cannon |
Traitor Ship Armament: (2) Laser Cannon Max. Speed: 150 kps |
Wingman: Gypsy
Briefing: A routine patrol for you, Captain Boopoototoka. Take Gypsy as wing.
Nav 1: 1 Pirate
Nav 2: 1 Pirate
Nav 3: Clear
Nav 4: 1 Pirate
Debriefing: Well done, Bjorn. I wonder what those pirates were doin' here.
Wingman: Kludge
Briefing: An X Industries base in this sector is under attack. You and Kludge help out.
Nav 1: 1 Pirate
Nav 2: Clear
Nav 3: 1 Pirate
Nav 4: 2 Pirates
Debriefing: Well, we've stopped the pirates from sabotaging X. Good work.
Wingman: Kalimus
Briefing: We're jumping outsector. Go with Kalimus and clear the jump point.
Nav 1: 2 Pirates
Nav 2: 1 Pirate
Nav 3: 1 Pirate
Nav 4: 4 Pirates
Debriefing: We've succeeded in jumping to Scary sector. Nothing to worry about here.
Briefing: You've got a solo patrol today. We don't expect anyone's around.
Nav 1: Clear
Nav 2: Clear
Nav 3: 2 Pirates
Nav 4: 1 Pirate, 1 Tri-Lacky
Debriefing: No way are the Tri-Lacky here. Next time use your flight recorder!
Wingman: Ghandi
Briefing: You and Ghandi can go look for those supposed Tri-Lackys.
Nav 1: Clear
Nav 2: 2 Pirates
Nav 3: Clear
Nav 4: 1 Pirates, 2 Tri-Lackys
Debriefing: Ghandi didn't see anything. You forgot to take off your lens cap.
Wingman: Random
Briefing: Random's the only one who'll fly with you. Do some reconnaissance.
Nav 1: 2 Tri-Lackys
Nav 2: Clear
Nav 3: 1 Pirate
Nav 4: 3 Pirates
Debriefing: Tri-Lacky here! Who'd've believed it? With an anvil factory to boot.
Wingman: Newt
Briefing: We're hitting the anvil factory. Clear out their guards with Newt.
Nav 1: 2 Pirates
Nav 2: Clear
Nav 3: 3 Pirates, 1 Tri-Lacky
Nav 4: 2 Pirates, 2 Tri-Lackys
Debriefing: Excellent work. We're jumping to help up mop up the Spilt Milk Sector.
Wingman: Lucifer
Briefing: Without anvils, the TriLacky are in retreat. Take Lucifer and clean up.
Nav 1: 2 Pirates
Nav 2: Clear
Nav 3: 2 Pirates, 2 Tri-Lackys
Nav 4: 2 Pirates
Debriefing: Good job, Bjorn. The TriLackys are running to their mothers.
Wingman: St. Theresa
Briefing: You and St. Theresa should help kick the Cabal while they're down.
Nav 1: Clear
Nav 2: 2 Pirates, 1 Tri-Lacky
Nav 3: 3 Tri-Lackys
Nav 4: Clear
Debriefing: We've learned there's a TriLacky strike force hiding out there.
Wingmen: Eyesnack & Miles
Briefing: I want Eyesnack, Miles, and Boopoototoka to take 'em out.
Nav 1: 1 Pirates, 2 Tri-Lackys
Nav 2: 3 Pirates
Nav 3: 4 Pirates, 2 Tri-Lackys
Nav 4: 3 Pirates, 4 Tri-Lackys, 3 Traitors
Debriefing: I'm sure the Cabal is crying over Spilt Milk. Now we join the front line.
Wingman: Harpo
Briefing: We're in Tiger Sector. You and Harpo see what's up.
Nav 1: Clear
Nav 2: 4 Tri-Lackys
Nav 3: Clear
Nav 4: 2 Pirates, 2 Traitors
Debriefing: Well, I doubt they decilphered your coded transmissions, at least.
Wingmen: 6 Unnamed
Briefing: We're pressing to the sector's heart. Let's send everyone at once.
Nav 1: Clear
Nav 2: Clear
Nav 3: Clear
Nav 4: 6 Pirates, 5 Tri-Lackys, 3 Traitors
Debriefing: Good show. Now we're approaching the Cabal's homeworld.
Briefing: Why don't you just finish off their navy by yourself, Bjorn?
Nav 1: 4 Pirates
Nav 2: 3 Pirates, 2 Tri-Lackys
Nav 3: 2 Pirates, 3 Tri-Lackys
Nav 4: 2 Pirates, 2 Tri-Lackys, 3 Traitors
Winning: Congratulations, Bjorn, err, Admiral Boopoototoka. You've single-handedly wiped out the TriLacky Cabal and won the war. Now we're all out of jobs.
Losing: You sure let your expensive ship get blown up. Try again.
Enemy Sighted: We've got company.
Killed: Where's the eject button?
Enemy Sighted: Must we resort to violence?
Killed: You're the traitor!
Enemy Sighted: They're attacking us, sir.
Killed: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Enemy Sighted: < Honk > < honk > < honk >
Killed: < Honk.. >
Enemy Sighted: Easy pickings.
Killed: Nice knowing you.
Enemy Sighted: I have enemies on my scanner.
Killed: System Integrity Failure
Enemy Sighted: Lost souls ahead.
Killed: I am consigned to the flames.
Enemy Sighted: We've got company.
Killed: Where's the eject button?
Enemy Sighted: Cabal sighted.
Killed: Into the volcano!
Enemy Sighted: We got some Try-Unlucky here.
Killed: You good-for-nothing...
St. Teresa
Enemy Sighted: Visitors! And my place is a mess.
Killed: Mewmewmewmew...
Enemy Sighted: There sure is a lot of 'em'
Killed: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!