Bar (Pirate Base)
The Terran Knowledge Bank
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Bar are bars on Pirate Bases. They are located directly off the main concourse. They are owned and operated by Bartender.
Sprite Sheets
Unique Conversations
Talk to Bartender
- Hey, Mister, have a seat. The first one's on me.
- No big deal. We're having a boom here on $BN. Times are good.
- With all the fighting out along the borders...
- ...there's a lot of loot just floating around out there, waiting to be salvaged!
- Used to be a pirate had to do some shooting to earn his daily bread...
- ...nowadays, the only trigger he's gotta pull is wired to a tractor beam!
Talk to Bartender
- I hope you're gonna buy a drink and not just sit here trawling for a job.
- Business is slow at the bar.
- People are spending too much time out there on those stressful missions.
- They need to be in here relaxing, like you.
- So...what'll it be?
Talk to Bartender
- Hey, welcome to $BN. I heard a good one the other day.
- Seems that there's this hollow asteroid along the
- Kilrathi border...
- The thing of it is, the Kilrathi use it as a munitions dump!
- The guy who finds that dump can help himself to as much
- ordnance as he can haul!
Talk to Bartender
- Hey, buddy, have you heard the latest?
- A pirate looking to scope $BN for business told me this one.
- Seems the TCS Valiant has just...disappeared.
- That's the second carrier the Confederation has lost
- along the border.
- It's a sure bet the Kilrathi have their paws in this!
Talk to Bartender
- Better watch your step on $BN, Mister.
- comminity here is leery of strangers these days.
- We've had a lot of problems with undercover Militia agents lately.
- I'm not saying you're one of 'em...
- ...but I'd do my best to look as innocent as possible, if I were you.
Talk to Bartender
- Happy days are here again! You heard? The Confed is slipping in the war effort.
- Seems the sector is lousy with Kilrathi, and they're giving the Fed fits.
- Hey, I'm as patriotic as the next guy. I don't want the Fed to give it up...
- ...but this means they're diverting their efforts away from law enforcement!
- That's good news here on $BN. The less Confed around, the better!
Talk to Bartender
- Looking for a job? Must be if you're hanging around $BN.
- Ever heard of a guy named Roman Lynch? He's a Well, a real mover.
- Seems he's looking for a wet spesh to whack a guy named Seelig.
- Lynch runs his empire out of New Constantinople.
- No thanks, that's what bartenders do. Just remember me when it's time to tip.
Talk to Bartender
- I just heard a wild rumor.
- Apparently the Kilrathis and the Retros are in league.
- They're planning to wipe out the Confeds and split up the Gemini sector.
- Strange bedfellows, huh?
- Pretty hard to believe, if you ask me.
Talk to Bartender
- The atmosphere sure has loosened up around here.
- Everyone used to be worried about undercover Milita agents,
- but now they're so rare that folks here will gab about anything.
- Maybe they're a little too open.
- If the agents ever come back, a lot of these guys are gonna get busted.
Talk to Bartender
- Happy days are here again! You heard? The Confed is slipping in the war effort.
- And now they have the Retros to worry about, too.
- Hey, I'm as patriotic as the next guy. I don't want the Fed to give it up...
- ...but this means they're diverting their efforts away from law enforcement!
- That's good news here on $BN. The less Confed around, the better!
Talk to Bartender
- Looking for a job? Must be if you're hanging around $BN.
- I'd get some pirate work, if I were you.
- Depending on where you go, pirate work can be real lucrative these days.
- Those Retro nuts have a lot of Confeds and Militia tied up,
- so the Confed and Militia patrols have thinned out.
- If you don't want to get on their bad side, don't worry.
- As long as you can avoid 'em, you won't have to shoot 'em.