Shields UP!

That's not much of a joke, given that Blair's powers are *genetic*...:)

The mine trick is impossible in WCIV -- you just can't simulate it in the engine.
Has anyone ever used mines in combat in any of the WC gmaes? I mean what are they for? Are they just very slow missiles that are fired to the aft? Wc1 mines aren't guided, they just fly a short distance straight ahead (well, backwards). But what about Prophecy, WC3&4 mines? I think I heard Pliers saying "They're tracked, you know." . Still I never inflicted any damage with them, has anyone of you?
Only with the WC1 mine, the good old Porcupine, did I hit once sth, a Krant I think. I don't know how badly damaged she was before, but she had a bloody nose after the mine hit her.

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 05-20-2001 at 06:57]
I use mines regularly in WCP. They generally do not kill, but if you dump enough mines around yourself, those Devil Rays just might go pick on somebody else :).
But that firedelay is just too big IMO. And are they tracked? And the aliens do not really change target, only because you dropped some mines, do they? ;)
Porbably not. :)
But if you man them yourself, they're not too bad.

Now, just to make sure: Do they really switch targets if you use mines?
I don't know, I'm usually too busy trying to survive to check :). What I do know, however, is that when I fly a Devastator, I usually get very badly swarmed. Dropping mines produces a definite reduction in hostile fire, and gives me a chance to survive long enough for other friendlies (and my Plasma Gun ;)) to reduce the odds. This is especially vital in the second Kraken mission, since dying means flying the Vampire mission again.
I always figured mines were

A) To drop by fighters in order to establish a mine field (a la Enyo 2639)

B) To protect swarmed bombers during slow torpedo runs. Although I cannot conceive of a protection which involved detonating an explosive a few feet away from your hull to ward off an attacker...
OK, that may be theoratically the use of mines. But what use have they for the player?

And Quarto, why are missiles a waste when a Devil Ray chases you? I found it a lot more easy when I got rid of all those little bugs (Moray, Skate, Stingray and so on) by using missiles, so that I could concentrate on the Devil Ray. And in WCP in the Shrike I always used the DF against Devil Rays to great effect, a shame they aren't in SOPS.
But I agree that guided missiles ahve a hard time against Devil Rays (except Swarmers). :)
Well, what I meant was that Devil Rays usually manage to shake off most guided missiles, and since the only time you can hit them with a dumbfire is when they're charging in your face, the chance of a missile getting through their cone of fire isn't all that high.
One way to get those missiles on target (Devil Ray) is when he is about to swing around and face you, fire off an IR and slide OPPOSITE of his turn, that way you put distance between you and your point of missile launch, which the Devil Ray will follow YOU to fire on you, while this is going on, that IR missile is approaching the Devil Ray from an angle, and will make contact on his side. This tactic also provides a way to mask his countermeasures with his own ship! Ive taken out more Devil Rays using this method and only once or twice would a missile miss. Fireing missiles head on is usually not good since the enemy can shoot down your missile while fireing at you!

I've found mines to be useful against Kilrathi corvettes --
each one's the equivalent of a DF, right? So fly directly
away from the CRV and let it chase you. Drop a string
of about 6 mines. It will fly right smack into 'em.
KA-BOOM! Scratch one CRV.

Speaking of which, has anybody passed the capital ship
sweep mission in the WCP simulator? That is the *one*
mission I have never completed ...


Brian P.
Originally posted by pendell

Speaking of which, has anybody passed the capital ship
sweep mission in the WCP simulator? That is the *one*
mission I have never completed ...


Brian P.

Is that the one where you can select extra fighters for your wing, the last sim mission?, if that is the one you are talking about, that is a fun mission. Been thru that about 100 times or so! :)

Originally posted by RFBurns
Originally posted by pendell

Speaking of which, has anybody passed the capital ship
sweep mission in the WCP simulator? That is the *one*
mission I have never completed ...


Brian P.

Is that the one where you can select extra fighters for your wing, the last sim mission?, if that is the one you are talking about, that is a fun mission. Been thru that about 100 times or so! :)


Nah.. I'm talking about the Kilrathi capital ship sweep
which is about mission 6 or so, right after the Kilrathi
Timed Fighter Sweep but just before "Defend Midway".

But I agree, that last mission is FUN.


Brian P.
Is that the one with the time limit? I think I fluked that once or twice. Time limits suck, so what if Earth dies if you don't complete the mission in time. :)
Originally posted by Quarto
Well, what I meant was that Devil Rays usually manage to shake off most guided missiles, and since the only time you can hit them with a dumbfire is when they're charging in your face, the chance of a missile getting through their cone of fire isn't all that high.

That can be blessing in disguise. I found the best way to stop the D-Rays plasma bolts (especially when flying a Devastator) was to loose off a few draogn flies. The Devil Ray's plasma burst detonates on the rickets, my plasma burst blows him back to his own galaxy.

Best, Raptor