movie question

Oh, je croyais tu parles d'un chien. (A cause du panier). Et puis je un chien et j'aime beaucoup Milou.
Comment font les chats en francais? :)
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Oh, je croyais tu parlais d'un chien. (A cause du panier). Et puis j'ai un chien et j'aime beaucoup Milou.
Comment font les chats en français?

LOL!! En plein dans le mille avec l'autre post, quand j'ai cru que tu parlais du capitaine Haddock... Un autre fan de Tintin donc, hein? :)

Do you guys know "The Adventures of Tintin"?
It's a French (er... the author's Belgian actually, he's called Hergé) comic... and it's really popular in France (and Germany as well I presume...)

Mekt, les chats "miaulent" en français, "miau"... :)
Oh, and Wedge, you nearly got it right... it's "s'il" not "si'l"...
OK while I might know french, my knowledge extends only to about high school level so I must ask y'all to, parler anglais s'il vous plait, mais j'adore francais quand Je le comprends. I am positive that i have a masuline for a feminine in there, cuz i always screw them up
What the cats in France do like the cats in Germany? Miau? Are you kidding?
But anyway, no more foreign language except English.

Tintin rules almost as much as Wing Commander does! :)
True Wedge, but to a few of us it IS foreign...


Wait, what I just said has no point whatsoever, forget it it... :)
As LOAF mentioned inaother thread, This is an English, Kilrathi, and Firekkan-only forum. Keep your discussions to those three lanuages as much as posible. :)
"The Kilrathi have taken over Mekt-Hakkikt's mind! Quick! Kill him!" :)

[I don't have a clue about Kilrathi language]

[Edited by Wedge009 on 03-15-2001 at 20:42]
"Ja'lra rash'nakh h'rai?" :)

The writing in the movie subtitles: I know we don't see them for long, but they seemed to be recycled (ie rotated) and look far to curvy for Kilrathi. Everything about Kilrathi architecture and language (at least in my mind) seems sharp and angular.
I like the sharper, angular letters better -- but since Kilrathi script is pictographic in nature, there's room for everything...
Pictographic? And where were the sharper letters printed? Are they part of the language in the Handbook as well?