Originator Bug Fix Update Also Improves Key Features Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Development on Originator has continued at a frenzied pace, and we are here for it! AllTinker has an update to the program, which greatly simplifies the hacking and extraction process from a multitude of Origin games. Although he describes this as mostly a bug fix update, there are some nice improves such as a new camera movement options in the viewer and support for more file types. Also, check out that gorgeous MCPH Prototype!

The next release refines the scaling slightly further; matching the wingspan of the Dralthi IV between WC4 and Prophecy - the rear of the ships are roughly lined up so this is a more fair size comparison, but not exactly perfectly precise.
The new camera movement makes examining models slightly easier; especially larger ones. I may change how the camera works in future...
The next release also improves the Privateer 2 palettes. It's now using the "true" base palette and the BRender look-up tables properly, it's a lot less washed-out - although I do need to verify/refine my gamma curve. Here's a proof-of-concept for the palette swaps for the different faction colour schemes:
Here's a quick example of the new loose file support; loading SM1.5 into WC1 (via the zip straight from wcpedia):
I've started working on some stuff I need for Confederation; in this case saved games for WC1. I plan to eventually add the ability to edit these within Originator (and those for other games) once I've finished researching/verifying the data.
Version 0.3.02/0.3.03 is mostly a bugfix and quality-of-life release, but does have a bunch of new/improved features.
  • Fixed palettes for FM Towns Wing Commander Armada.
  • Removed hard requirement for Proving Grounds for PC Armada.
  • Privateer 2 palette improvements; proper base palette and BRender LUT usage.
  • Finished an initial pass on picking up the remaining Origin FX containers for Wing Commander 1/2.
  • More text support for Bioforge and Wing Commander 2 (PC & FM Towns versions).
  • Fixed a bug where changing the game path wasn't properly applying without restarting.
  • Added the ability to unload games and manually-loaded files.
  • Changing the path for a game optionally causes an automatic reload.
  • Added the ability to see/configure the names for disc/other image files for games which use them.
  • Added support for the Prophecy 3dfx Test.
  • Fixed Bioforge model axis orientation.
  • Added basic translation (lateral camera movement) to the model viewer - hold middle mouse.
  • Overhauled manual loading of files quite extensively.
    • Files can be attached to a loaded game, improving viewing support.
    • Files can be loaded from any drive/directory.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs in the loose file loading where it would fail to open containers/files.
  • The file opener now remembers the last path, with a "Home" button to return to the Originator working directory.
  • Added support for "inbuilt" external files; e.g. loading Kilrathi Saga saves from the Users directory.
  • Added a savegame viewer (WC1 only currently; work-in-progress).

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