Comments Needed on KSP Morningstar Design Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

capi is participating in a Kerbal Space Program competition, and his entry is the Morningstar from Special Operations 2. He's limited by elements within the KSP engine, but the results so far look pretty good. He's very much looking for feedback on how to improve or tweak the model any further. If you'd like to help him and get more representation for Wing Commander, hit the comment link below!
Alright, y'all - I need your opinions. Livery aside, is it passable? Is it a Morningstar or not? If not, where am I off?

I'm currently participating in Season 4 of Scott Manley's Runway Project - aerial combat in Kerbal Space Program. This week's challenge was to make a replica of something (and it could have been anything) that would fly and fight. I don't care about the color - I'm interested in whether or not the airframe looks right.

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