Wing Commander Album Sent Out For Production!
Composer George Oldziey very excitedly reports that his physical album of Wing Commander music is finally finished! The initial live recordings were first released before Christmas 2014, but George spent a good portion of this year completing additional digital tracks to round out the compilation. Now the compact disc with everything on it has been gone out for manufacturing. Backers should have received an email this past weekend asking for current shipping addresses. If you didn't get one, check your spam folders or log in to Kickstarter for details. While you wait for the discs to start shipping, check out the Making Of Documentary to see how everything came together!
CD is Finished!!Greetings all! I've just sent the CD in for replication, and should have it within a few weeks! It may not get to you before Christmas as I'd hoped, but you should have it by the New Year. I'm very excited by how it all came out.
What I need you to do now is send me your shipping info. Please send it to [email]. Put "WC Shipping Info" as your subject. Also, and this is important, please include the [code word] so I know which tier level you are.
I'm very excited to have (finally) made this available to all of you. And again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your amazing support! Maybe we could do this again some time!
Musically yours,
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