Printed Planes Produce Fantastic Photos Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Klavs has taken some new photographs of his growing 3D printed armada. This is the first time we've seen the super slick Morningstar actually out in the wild, and there are some gorgeous multi-angle views of the Excalibur and Super Wing Commander Rapier too. They look really great all lined up! It's pretty cool living in the future where things like this are possible. Fighters can be printed at Terran Fleet Supply, although certain smaller ships currently can't be made due to tightened tolerances on Shapeway's part.
Excalibur, Morningstar, Super Rapier and Concordia Rapier (Low Viz) are here! I would say I'm most proud of the Morningstar, she's so small and the model turned out very tiny yet extremely detailed.

For the family portrait, the Raptor and WC3 Arrow have moved on to guest homes, and the rest are going into Klavs Jr's new baby mobile!

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