More Ships Arrive to Patrol Vega Sector
CMDBob is making a fleet of classic Wing Commander ships - just for fun! The original ships from the first WC game have been very popular lately. Here are the first Confed ships he's modeled and a spaceflight mock-up in the Freespace engine. They look pretty sharp, and Bob's also tweaked the Hornet to make some concept versions that might have existed concurrently with WC3/4.
I went and made some models based of Wing Commander 1. There's no real story to these, other than the fact I was bored (and I wanted something I could eventually use in some sort of mod for Freespace 2 Open).So, first up is the Hornet. This has 3 variants, the classic Wing Commander 1 green style, a Wing Commander 3 style, with uprated and smaller laser guns, and a Wing Commander 4 UBW style, with the uprated laser guns from the WC3 variant.
And finally, for now, is the Drayman Transport. I made this with a detachable cargo box, as it kinda looked like that was the case. This one is my favourate so far, but that might change with time. (oh, and the text on the engines is Terran Confederation Logistics Division, if you couldn't quite read it off the pictures.) I haven't made a WC3/WC4 style texture for this yet, but that shouldn't take me too long (hopefully).
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