From Concept to Cutting Edge Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Howard Day has taken another amazing Feng Zhu concept fighter and turned it into a model masterpiece. This time it's a very menacing Kilrathi fighter that he's dubbed the 'Drak'thli'. The jagged lines on this ship are very familiar yet strikingly fresh at the same time. It's just a breathtaking design that Howard's now managing to bring to life. The first two shots are original concept art, and the following six show the design in its preliminary model form.

Making the Games: Midway Artwork Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

We saved the best for last: the TCS Midway, designed by Sean Murphy for Wing Commander Prophecy, in a variety of different views and renderings. Honest-to-God blueprints, wireframes, FMV renderings, early engine shots... it's all here. Enjoy!

Thanks to Captain Johnny for both archiving and providing this material!

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