Fans Finish Classic Wing Commander This Week
Wingnuts who are participating in the combined replay of Wing Commander 1 have a chance to finish up the game this week. Fans who have already made it to Venice or Hell's Kitchen should try some of the alternate paths and post their results. The Secret Missions is also up for the week of February 17. Here's Dundradal with the plan for that game, plus his recollection of Kurasawa 2 from last week.
I’ve been working out how I want to organize the weeks for the SM1, and I’m going to drop it to 6 missions a week for 2 weeks, then the last 4 in the 3rd. I’m thinking that 6 missions a week might be our benchmark as it’s still a good chunk of the games and still manageable to post about. I’ve found it easier to break the posts into chunks because it takes time to double check your game memory against CIC resources to make sure you are getting it right in the posts. Just a side effect of combat. :)-------------------------------
We all know what has to be done here. Save the Ralari and bring it back to the Claw.
Whatever happens on my first try is what I’m going with so let’s get to it.
I don’t use auto and fly around the asteroid field. I plan on winning this damn mission, so I’m breaking out every trick we’ve come up with over the years. Once past the field I hit the auto and am dumped into the fight. I tell Bossman to break and attack and start letting loose with missiles and guns on the closest Gratha. One down, three to go. I pick the next closest one and use guns and ramming to take out number 2. So far, so good. I’ve got some missiles left so I fire them at one of the Gratha while I manually track the other and use guns to take it out. I ram the Gratha I was firing guns at and it goes right up. However, my Rapier is pretty heavily damaged at this point. This must be my lucky day though as Bossman has kept the other Gratha busy. The Ralari is definitely heavily damaged, but I should be able to squeeze out this victory! The last Gratha is taking damage from Bossman, but it’s still firing at the Ralari. The Gratha is pretty banged up from at least one of my missiles and Bossman. I’ve got one DF left, so I line up and let it go. I see the Gratha get off one last shot at the Ralari before going up… and amazingly the Ralari holds up! YES!!!!! I got lucky this time because the entire Ralari is in the red. I’m amazed I was lucky enough to win this mission. I was never able to beat it in the KS version, but for some reason I do alright in the DOS version.
On returning to the Claw I’m awarded another Silver Star for bringing the Ralari back. A Silver Star never felt so deserved and so good as it does now. No Rostov and asteroids for me! Shotglass gives us the first mention of CNN (Confed News Network). I wonder if they are in competition with TCN. I wonder what Barbra Miles thinks about this. Looks like I’ll have my 2nd favorite character on my wing soon. Can’t wait Hunter. A little background for Iceman, his family was killed on Vega VII and he’s still pretty pissed about it. Watch out furballs!
- Community Replay - General Discussion
- Week 1 - Enyo, McAuliffe, Gimle, Gateway, Cheng-du
- Week 2 - Brimstone, Dakota, Kurasawa, Rostov, Port Hedland, Hubble's Star
- Week 3 - Venice, Hell's Kitchen, Alternate Paths
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