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Hudson has made a new set of clothes for the ML01 Duress light fighter. The Duress is one of eighteen flyable ships in Privateer 2: The Darkening. Hudson has previously done artwork for The Awakening (a fan novel) and its spinoff card game. You can find a step by step guide to how he updated this fighter here. The new version is on the left, the original on the right.

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Boo! Electronic Arts has released another set of screenshots from EA Replay... but, once again, they aren't from Wing Commander. These images come from "Haunter Starring Polterguy", a 1993 Sega Genesis game. Haunter is a much more obscure game than the others in the set, perhaps giving hope for those interested in seeing reissues of some of EA's less popular classic titles. Nevertheless, that's one scary... evil tractor? All available screenshots have been collected here.

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