WC Movie File List Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

If you have been using HCl's WC movie player, you're probably a bit confused about which file is which. So thanks to Wedge009 and Fenris, we've been able to put together a list of the WC3, 4, and Prophecy movie files. We still need a list of the Privateer 2 movies, but you can find what we have here.

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First up we have this link to a page belonging to a person who did sculpting for Wing Commander 3 showing what I imagine is a mold for a Kilrathi hand. Next up is this page. I'm not certain what it is since it is in German, but I think it is showing renderings created using an Amiga computer. The first and last images are a Hornet and a Dralthi. While we are on the subject of the Amiga, here you can download the music from the Amiga version of WC1, but I don't think it is any different.

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