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The Wing Commander Invasion mod is currently converting a KF-100 Dralthi to replace a Klingon ship in Armada. Expect it in the near future. A demonstration of how Armada will be converted to support carriers, a moving outpost, is now available for download here. They have also posted a version of their Tigershark patch which installs automatically -- get that one here (includes the carrier). WildCat asks that the following request be posted...

We currently have a whole load of models that are using multiple textures. Since Armada only supports the use of a single texture so we are currently limited to using the fighters in Prophecy. We really want to use capships and WC3-4 fighters too so we need to make each model only use a single texture. If anyone out there knows how to make our ships use a single texture by any method please mail me at
And here are three shots of the fully textured Tigershark in action, thanks to Ladiesman!

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