New SETI@Home Account Feature Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Over at the SETI@Home website there's a new feature for user accounts. You can now associate a url with your name to appear on SETI group listings. Click here to access the account update area. You can find info on the SETI team for Wing Commander fans here and our current status here. There's also an I-War fan team here.

CIS Bulletin Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

CIS agents are on the look-out for one Natassja Haigh, a truly lethal individual who is wanted for the savage murder of Monkerr Sangnant, along with 39 other counts of violent crime. She is described as a stunningly attractive female of about 20 years of age, with brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Classified as being of genius level intelligence, she goes under the pseudonym of 'Satan'. If you encounter this individual, do not approach her, as she is highly dangerous.

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