what is the capital of the borderworld union?

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Jeez, who nominated you president of the stupid elitsts club? You're apparently under the incredibly mistaken opinion that science fiction should be an incredibly brilliant subtle commentary on everything. It's *not*.

No, movies aren't the same as books. BRILLIANT OBSERVATION! That doesn't mean they're not good... I mean, SST was an incredibly *fun* movie -- it had action and adventure and bugs that exploded... *everything* a pulpy sci fi movie should have... a great time was had by all. The idea that sci fi fans can hate such a movie for not being intelligent is idiotic -- you're a fricking science fiction fan, almost everything you like is nowhere near as brilliant as you've decided it is...
Pretty sure he was talking to me, Mav...

Allright, I'll be quiet on the SST topic...but hey, if you've seen the movie, read the book. I did when I was waiting in line for the movie. It's an easy, if thought-provoking, read.

Well, that, and Ender's Game.
Sorry, :)

I just reacted cause we both used "commentary", Yours being Social and mine bing Lucid and LOAFS being none of those two, I also reread my post and it DID come off a bit arrogant, and as I am used to being called the king of pretention, and LOAFS post was directly after mine, i misjudged the situation. My apologies.
I liked Starship Troopers but i don´t have the book so i don´t know the differences between them.
Dune was good....but sucks in comparison with the books.
I have no idea why I called him Mav...

Oh, oh, wait...it was the signature. It connected the two of you in my mind...ah, sorry. It was an accident...freudian slip. Sorry.
well the movie did provide us with somthing useful :)
just type Kenney vs. rodger young in the spacebattles searcher :D
hint, kenney wins
Whenever I'm doing more than two things at once...I'll divert my attention for a second, then come back and type something completely different than what I intended.
Eh, what a lovely argument we've had here. :) I've only seen the movie once, and never even seen the novel, but the TV series is brilliant!
I hope I'm not the only one here to prefferred the DUNE movie to that stupid mini-sceries on Sci-Fi. The movie was WAY better in my opinion.
I was talking to Nep, not grpyhon -- but anybody who would discount something entirely because it's not 'intellectual' (*especially* science fiction) is rather pretensious...
I have an uncle who complains about every sci-fi show he sees because it has sound in space. It gets VERY, VERY annoying...
Sound in space is easily explainable. There should sound inside the ships. The background musics is just that background music. It was never supposed to be confused with actually being there. :)
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