The Dawn of the Wing commander revival, or a false start?

Originally posted by Wedge009
Whoa, you misinterpreted me, I meant how much would the GBA have cost (in terms of extra price and lost playing time) if Nintendo had put a backlight in? [I know the Afterburner is not a backlight. ;)] I remember when portable consoles had just come out: Nintendo's GameBoy, Sega's GameGear, and an Atari one which I can't remember (this is in Australia, BTW). Only the GameBoy survived - IIRC, the GameGear chewed up 6 or 8 AA batteries for only a few hours play. I assumed this was due to the colour display and backlighting... although with GBC and GBA, I'm not so sure about the colour bit...

Sorry about that. Text tends to lead to certain ambiguities regarding what one's trying to say, what with an utter lack of inflection. No, smilies do not compensate. I think I can answer your question regarding the possible price of a backlit GBA. Backlit LCD screens vary in price and cost, depending on many, many economic factors. However, it's estimated that a backlit gameboy could cost anywhere from $100-120 US. By the by, I may just have to re-examine the Afterburner on Chris' recommendation. I've only seen two in action myself.
man, you all keep talking about WCP for GBA. well, when is its release date and can anyone provide me any links on it.
I don't know, in my opinion i think Wind Commander Prophecy for Game Boy advanced is a waste of money and time. I never liked Game Boy much anyway.

I never liked you much and think you're a waste of air. You may not even be worth the bullet I'd plant between your eyes, kiddo.
I am entitled to my opinion, I just don't like Gameboy I never had. People are entitled to there opinion I don't see anywhere in the rules where it says you cannot give your opinion. I think that Wing Commander is much better suited on the computer then on the game Consoles.

Being entitled to an opinion doesn't mean your opinion is *right*, though. And having an opinion without knowing any facts is *dumb*.

WC has a long and respectable history on consoles...

... and the GBA isn't a console.
Why are you attacking me? I never said my opinion was right either. The topic of this is "The Dawn of the Wing commander revival, or false start?" So I just think it's a false start. Id much rather have a joystick, too used to it.

But that's no reason to say that a *game* is bad. I don't like the CD32, but that doesn't make me hate Wing Commander 1...
The Game Boy Advanced is damned fine peice of modern technology. Theres a number of brilliant games getting ported to it, including some of my favorites:

Medal Of Honor: Underground
Final Fantasy Tactics
Contra 3: The Alien Wars (With New Levels!)
Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (With MP!)

Anyone who argues with that list is unmutual!
Originally posted by LeHah
I never liked you much and think you're a waste of air. You may not even be worth the bullet I'd plant between your eyes, kiddo.

::Laughs and shakes head in disbelief:: Man! Them're fightin' words! Heehee. Nafé: There's no reason to believe anything about this game. That is to say, not that it's good, not that it's bad, not that's a new WC revival, not that it's a false start. While I'm a hardcore GB fan, and have been since I got one for my 6th birthday(does anyone remember that cool glowing wireframe cover to the BW GB that came with tetris? Schwette!), I'm willing to forgive you that little transgression against one of my favorite video game systems. I'll simply say that it would be intelligent to withold judgement until more about the game is known. To assume is to make an ASS of U and ME. Don't make yourself look foolish by bashing a game that doesn't even exist yet! You're smarter than that. Same goes, by the way, for anyone who might say the opposite-- "This games gonna rock!" or "This is how Wing Commander will expand it's fan-base!" etc, etc, etc.
Originally posted by Naféasonto
I think that Wing Commander is much better suited on the computer then on the game consoles.
As do I, but I don't go bashing consoles (especially since I have two! And yes, I know GBA isn't a console).

Originally posted by Lelapinmechant
Don't make yourself look foolish by bashing a game that doesn't even exist yet!... Same goes, by the way, for anyone who might say the opposite-- "This games gonna rock!" or "This is how Wing Commander will expand it's fan-base!" etc, etc, etc.
Well said. :)
As do I, but I don't go bashing consoles (especially since I have two! And yes, I know GBA isn't a console

I didn't go bashing anything! I like the Game consoles i just don't think it should be on the GBA. Enough said my opinion leave me alone and stop anaylyzing me i hate it!! PLEASE

Thanks you

I don't think your opinion is valid on the GBA since you've already passed judgement on it. I also think you need to touch up on your grammar.