Post your Unknown Enemy opinions

BTW, from what few missions I've played so far, I like the mission design, especially with the choice on how to find the Fralthi. Gives a nice twist.

Also, I'm not sure how it scales in the game, but isn't the Scimitar much longer than the Epee?

[Oh yeah, and the Gratha is a pig! It's manoeuvrabilty feels almost as bad as a Devastator's, yet it's nowhere near as heavily armoured. What can I expect of an old Kilrathi ship? :/]
Originally posted by Wedge009
Also, I'm not sure how it scales in the game, but isn't the Scimitar much longer than the Epee?
Yeah... to be honest, we didn't worry too much about getting fighter sizes right - they've been messed up in every WC game anyway.

Oh yeah, and the Gratha is a pig! It's manoeuvrabilty feels almost as bad as a Devastator's, yet it's nowhere near as heavily armoured.
At least it's faster :p.

You should at least know how to spell it properly too.
Eh, I'm pretty sure both spellings are correct :p.

Originally posted by Antix
Because since when were the Border Worlds Militia a group of backwards hillbillies who couldn't pronounce the names of the facilities and enemies they deal with on a day to day basis? Oops, never mind...
Hehe, the bugs haven't been around for that long :). And hey, don't most people mispronounce Beaufort anyway? The "bee-oo-fort" mispronunciation seems to be fairly popular.
Hmm... was thinking on the whole "fly a capship" thingie. While it would remove the "fighter" feel from that particular mission, I had a lil' idea on how it'd be useful... perhaps the carrier, while en route to the jump point in full retreat, could be pursued by a gradually closing capship, and you have to decide whether to turn and face the enemy with capship missiles(I think there was a capship launcher on that thing), or continue on to the jump point, taking a gamble as to whether the capital ship would come within range, or waste the capship while a wing of bombers or two come into range, immediately triggering a new mission where you scramble to the only fighter left on deck(a busted-up scimitar), in order to join your compatriots in fighting off the bombers... could be fun.
Edit- if you successfully make it to the jump point(cowardly sob) you wind up jumping right into thier laps, and you and every other pilot has to scramble fighters to counter the assault.
That simply wouldn't work. No capship in WCP/SO has the capability to launch capship missiles as far as the game engine is concerned - the capship missiles we saw were all scripted. Besides, the frustration of controlling an unmanoeuvrable cow would very quickly overcome any sense of fun that you might experience.
And manning the turrets of a capship?
Maybe changing the skin of the Devastator and adding and old destroyer or something could work.
Re: En adendum...

Originally posted by Antix
I just remembered, if that moron "Defender" tells me "Good one Casey" one more time I'm going to turn on him and put a sizzling hole in his armor. It's terribly out of context, hehe!

My beef's the one where the guy from the station whines to the alien fighters to back off, as the station is unarmed.

After a few times of that, I'm ready to torp the station mySELF, just to shut this moron up!...
My only question is, you have a "Rapier" class fighter in your databanks. Now, you DO say that it's only a prototype(built solely off Border World components) but do you ever get the chance to actually fly the thing, in any way possible? It's not a selection in the sim, but it's in the game.
Every time I play UE, I just get more & more amazed at what you guys've done. Big-time congrats to y'all.

I have a coupla questions/suggestions:

1) Why is the texturing for the Bearcat so..."off"?... What I mean is, it looks like a completely different style of texturing than the other ships; thus, it looks kinda outta place when compared to the rest. They are all very "realistic" (by which I mean they look more like actual 3D ships as regards texturing), while the Bearcat looks kinda...I dunno...cartoonish. Hopefully this can be corrected with a new mesh or something?...

2) Windows: Ships windows on the Dauntless and Kilrathi capships - esp. the Bridge areas (Ralari?-- the ones escorting the Starbase on one of the sim missions) look unrealistic - cartoonish - when you get up close to 'em. Given how realistic and fantastic the graphix are most everywhere else in UE, this seems incongruous. I guess there's no question here, but more a suggestion: More realistic effect could probably be achieved by simply making the apertures bright white WITHOUT the grey/black wndow "frames" around em.
Originally posted by Wedge009
You should at least know how to spell it properly too. ;)
Originally posted by Quarto
Eh, I'm pretty sure both spellings are correct. :p
Methinks it's time to eliminate a lot of the confusion surrounding the spellings of "NEH-FIE-LIM."

Nephilim (neh fie lim)- n. 1. a singular member of an alien race long at war with the Kilrathi on the opposite side of their empire 2. a term used to encompass the entire race of several Nephilem in a collective noun. [plural- Nephilem]
Originally posted by Antix
Methinks it's time to eliminate a lot of the confusion surrounding the spellings of "NEH-FIE-LIM."

Nephilim (neh fie lim)- n. 1. a singular member of an alien race long at war with the Kilrathi on the opposite side of their empire 2. a term used to encompass the entire race of several Nephilem in a collective noun. [plural- Nephilem]

But that's wrong... since Nephilim is an actual word... It's in the Old Testament. Let's go and do what TC always does, and Ask the Rabbi (note: TC does not generally ask the Rabbi):

Dear Rabbi,

What are the "Nephilim" mentioned in the Torah?


The Nephilim are mentioned twice in the Torah (Genesis 6, Numbers 13). "Nephilim" means "the fallen ones." They were people of giant stature. It is not clear how large they were, but were large enough to scare other people. The Targum Yerushalmi, which is a Midrash, explains that they were Angels who descended to the Earth. According to this they were called fallen ones because they fell from their heavenly stature. The Ramban explains otherwise, that they were the other children of Adam. Because Adam, the First Man, was the handiwork of G-d, his children were of greater physical stature than their descendants. Because these people were so close to the Creator, they knew that they had no grandfather, they should have been spiritually elevated. Because they didn't live up to their potential they were considered "fallen ones."[/i]
It says in Genesis that the Nephilim had sexual relations with women at the time and the produced offspring. Hence the reason for the Great Flood.
Originally posted by Pulmonox
My only question is, you have a "Rapier" class fighter in your databanks. Now, you DO say that it's only a prototype(built solely off Border World components) but do you ever get the chance to actually fly the thing, in any way possible? It's not a selection in the sim, but it's in the game.
Nope, you can't fly it. But there may be an easter egg out there involving the Rapier IV...

Originally posted by Preacher
1) Why is the texturing for the Bearcat so..."off"?... What I mean is, it looks like a completely different style of texturing than the other ships; thus, it looks kinda outta place when compared to the rest. They are all very "realistic" (by which I mean they look more like actual 3D ships as regards texturing), while the Bearcat looks kinda...I dunno...cartoonish. Hopefully this can be corrected with a new mesh or something?...
Hmm, well, I must say I always liked the Bearcat... if the textures on it look different to other ships, it's probably because it's one of the earlier ships Eder textured for us.

As for the windows, not having a frame around them would make them simply white patches on the texture, they wouldn't stand out enough. At least, that's what it seems to me the result would be.
Originally posted by Quarto

Hmm, well, I must say I always liked the Bearcat... if the textures on it look different to other ships, it's probably because it's one of the earlier ships Eder textured for us.

As for the windows, not having a frame around them would make them simply white patches on the texture, they wouldn't stand out enough. At least, that's what it seems to me the result would be.

Oh I like the Bearcat just fine as a fighter, always have. My issue is with the particular mesh/texturing job on the UE implementation of it. And the Ferret (which someone else mentioned), which I never liked too much, looks REALLY good as it's done in UE. Just goes to show the difference a good texture/mesh can make...

As to the portals suggestion I had, I'm thinking that if the white patches were of a brilliant enough white color (along with any adjustable qualities for luminescence/contrast/radiosity, etc.), they would look like they should. For reference's sake, I cite the windows on the capships in, say, Freespace. I haven't played it in awhile, but I seem to recall that they looked really realistic for what they were supposed to be, and they accomplished it somehow without the "frame" effect that I'm noticing here in UE, which only accentuates how, well, 'fake' they seem to look.

On an unrelated note, I predict Lehah will soon begin speaking of himself in the third person.
Originally posted by TC
Since Nephilim is an actual word... It's in the Old Testament. Let's go and do what TC always does, and Ask the Rabbi

LeHah suggests the segment Watch "The Prophecy 2"