Is Palpatine Darth Sidious?


Someone mentioned Palpatine being first mentioned in the TIE Fighter game...

Just thought I'd mention: TIE Fighter is the sequel to X-Wing, and X-Wing mentions Palpatine first in the "Farlander Papers".

For anyone who dosen't know, Keyen Farlander is the name of the main character in X-Wing. X-Wing was definatly released before TIE Fighter, so the first reference to the name Palpatine could not have been made in the TIE Fighter game.

However, I believe the West Ends RPG was released prior to both of these, and it probably deserves credit for listing the name first.
Is that Lt Farlander?

Hamil needed the plastic surgery after the Car Crash he was involved in towards the end of shotting A New Hope, that's why they had the Wompa attack him in Empire. Hamill is 52 this year.

BTW Hamill is the best Joker ever
having never scene hammil in his animated voices, ill just have to go on the wing commander stuff and starwars.

he didnt look bad in the wing co series in my oppinion, cause that could ahev been makeup
Jason_Ryock said:
However, I believe the West Ends RPG was released prior to both of these, and it probably deserves credit for listing the name first.

Close, but no cigar. Though WEG was fairly early in citing the Emperor's name in the early 90s, Lucasfilm had already relased/authorized a number of products telling us his name.
well dooku does say, "the senate is under the will of a sith lord".

palpitine is going to become THE number 1 sith lord, then vader. so im thinken, its pretty obviouse that palpi is sidiouse, they dress the same for starters palpy become emporer SITH MAN turning vader (anakin) who he shows great interest in.

this is no coincidence sidiouse is palpatine there is no question in my mind
Palpatine is the most Powerful Sith, ever, that's why he clones himsefl, the Amount of Dark Side power that he uses ages his body
Theres only one Sith Lord at a time (Yoda says Master and Apprentice in Episode 1, but how can Vader be a meer apprentice?) and to say Palpatine is one is redundant, he's The Emperor not some lowly lord.

The explaination I heard on why Palpatine looks so aged is because he's become so corrupted by the Dark Side, he's almost a pure energy being. Remember the Emperor's firey fate in RotJ?In "Dark Empire", Luke watches him destroy his feeble and corrupted body before possessing a mindless clone body.
yeah but all sith shoot off blue lightning, well except maul, which was a joke, GL doesnt know his arse from his face somtimes, they should have never let him direct and write the new movies.

palpy is not just the empore, to controll the empire is nothing compared to the power of the sith.... im using that as an example though vader said it about the death star " the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force".

so im thinking that being emporer wouldnt matter anyway, troops are nothing hed bend them to his will and no 1 could touch him, he is a sith master, vader is a sith lord
Lord_Nathrakh said:
yeah but all sith shoot off blue lightning, well except maul, which was a joke, GL doesnt know his arse from his face somtimes, they should have never let him direct and write the new movies.

So... wait... Just because you disagree with where the series has gone since it's been written by it's creator makes him wrong? Other way around, laughing boy. He created Star Wars, not you.

Lord_Nathrakh said:
palpy is not just the empore, to controll the empire is nothing compared to the power of the sith.... im using that as an example though vader said it about the death star " the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force".

You're underestimating what the Emperor does. He is the galactic representation of fear and absolute rule in the Galaxy. Screw Sith powers, the fact that he could manipulate the entire Galactic Senate, start an all-out war, hide his Sith powers, manage to raise up an apprentice and convert a former Jedi is infinitely more terrifying than some SFXs from 1983.

Vader was refering to the physical power of the Death Star. The Force is mythical and thus holds people in fear of it.
yeah but its cause of his sith powers that he could control the senate and allow his powers to go undetected, also it says in several cannon books, including the thrawn trilogy, that palpy had direct control over all the minds in his empire when they fought making them more efficant and able to coordinate things better
You're refering to the a Force power called "Coordinate Attack". Joruus used it in the Thrawn Trilogy.

(BTW, all the novels including Zahn's are not canon)
so the fact that lucas named coruscant after zhans books make it not cannon?

it was zhan basicly u named it lucas called it hab orba or somthing
The fact that Lucas used "Coruscant" means that the name is canon, not the whole book(s). The leader of the Republic is called the Supreme Chancellor, not whatever title Zahn called Mon Mothma. He even said "I wish George just told me little stuff like that".

The Zahn books, as wonderful as they are, conflict with the prequels once in a while.
as i said, why endorse a book with your seal if u make it look rediculas by creating thast that not only contridict the books but also the original movies
Zahn's novels are part of the "Expanded Universe" area, which are not canon.
Because he likes money, just like everyone else. Because some of them are damned good stories. Because the prequels weren't written yet.

He didn't disappoint millions of people. The majority of fans understand the difference between canon and non-canon. You might need to brush up, however...
Ah, a SW thread.

Q. Is Palpatine Sidious?

A. Yes, Palpy is the Lord of the Sith.

Q. So what's Vader?

A. He is, infact, the Apprentice. However by the time of ANH the Sith has become an Order again and there are shitload running around. Vader is still the Apprentice within the two Sith stucture, though.

Q. Who is Lt Farlander?

A. It's Commander Farlander, the cutscene is a goof. He was promoted to Commander after Yavin. He's also force strong. You can read about him in the X-Wing stratagy guide.

Q. Are the books cannon.

A. Anything without the "Infinities" label is cannon. There is a structure to the cannon though:

1. The Word of Lucasfilm, what they say goes, what they say can be wrong. ((The length of the SSD.))

2. The Films

3. Of the films. Novels, scripts, comics, etc.

4. The Expanded universe

Anything is cannon, however, if 4. contradicts 3. 3. is right, and so on, up the line. If two souces of the same level conflict the older one is right, unless Lucasfilm says otherwise.

Thats only the glaring ones, did I miss anything.