ideal midway taskforce

This miracle is mostly a heroic suicidal attack on the weak spots of the enemy's superweapon (there are always some, and the good guys always learn about them in the last minute) :)
One doesn't need "destory planet" super weapons since a single Strongitum clad nuke launched from a cruiser or destroyer can make a planet uninhabitable. As for super antiship weapons, what would be the fun in that, mission 1 you fly into the enemy fleet and destory them all without launching fighters OR an enemy ship fires once and you plus all your friends are DEAD
Does anyone realise that such a doomsday weapon would be horribly expensive to Confed (look at the Behemoth), and there's the potential for it to fall into the hands of those who would use such a weapon in an unethical manner. (What's ethical about war anyway?)
Everyone realizes that doomsday weapons are expensive. Thats pretty much a given. But you usually only need one anyway because thats what it takes to get the job done, or else its not very threatening. And im sure it has plenty of security to prevent capture, as much as is humanly possible. But you can only do so much.
Yes, but as stated, the 'good' guys aren't allowed to use superweapons. It just doesn't happen without due compensation.
Mock me will you! :) Just for that im am going to become a game programer, get a job at Origin, write a WC game, and introduce a superweapon that has no drawbacks, and is put to very effective use by the good guys. And i will make it all work within the confines of a very exciting and entertaining story.
Go to college, learn programming, get some industry experience, apply and get a job at origin, badda bing, badda boom.

I was at Blizzard's website and they gave explanations on how to best apply for what jobs and whats needed to get them. Game designer was one of them.
Hmm, that doesn't guarantee you a position as head designer, or whatever. At the end of the day, if the top guy (or gal) says no, the answer is no.