High-Rez Hornet

Tolwyn: You'll note that in my second post I mentioned that I would release a low-poly version of this model - the high res one will remain in my sole possesion, for the time being.
Tempest: The original Hornet had those stripes on it as well...
And I may...MAY...be working towards something...similar to WC...

Can't tell yah more.

All I need to hear to make me a happy man! :)

And, looking at those ref pics again, I see what you mean about the stripes. My memory's not so good, these days. Or ever.. :P
Here's the progress on the Cockpit.




Also, here's a almost-finalized FX shot.
http://www.hedfiles.com/Hornet/Beeland12.avi 1.6MB

Whoa, that's one pretty Hornet... but uhm... what are you going to do with it?

I'm new to this forum so please cut the plebe here some slack... :D
I can't even BEGIN to say how ****ing cool that is. Amazing work. I'd love to be able to do something like that and I may well go dig out my 3d books and actually learn how to od such things.

I can't begin to express my gratitude for all your work on this, just seeing those videos brings joy and inspiration, great gifts to give to others.

Yeah, ok, I'm being a little OTT but this is incredible !
Wow! Wow! and then a little more Wow! Seeing that makes me feel like I know absolutely nothing about modelling (which is somewhat true). I'd give my left nut to know how you make such fantastic armor plating...*hint, nudge, wink
Howie, would it be possible to simply have a flight sim that could be modded into WC? I would love to see this community put out a mod of a quality matching the hornet you've created. Graphics-wise.

I know that Starshatter was designed to be modded in every aspect, but I don't know if it'll support models that nice.
Words occurred.
Your work most ably illuminates the following:
Q: "What´s the difference between a tradesman and a craftsman?"
A: "The proximity to God."
Actually, looking at that model, the textures look like roughly the same quality as stuff in Halo (a bit better, actually). It'd be neat to see a Covenant Banshee swooping in for a strafing run, only to get gunned down mercilessly by a pair of Hornets.
Thanks for the comments - I'm still working on this - just so you don't panic.
My next model will be the Scimitar.
There won't be anymore animations for the time being - I need to concentrate on modelling and texturing.
Overmortal: Something you should know about me. I hate crossovers. The textures that were shown earlier were placeholders.
HammerHead: That's a single asteroid model duped across the entire scene - then give random paths and rotations. Simple, really.

Hallo, what's all this then?







Well - that's just about everything. The only thing I can imagine remaining is the Killer Bee Logo. Anyone care to get in on this action and make one?
Well, enjoy!
