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Standoff's Episode 3 is now less than two days away! The project's progress indicator is completely blue, and their new chapter is now in release candidate status. As the Standoff Team hunts down any remaining bugs, fans have the first part of the weekend to get ready. The Episode 1&2 installer is a 126 meg package available here. If you already have Episode 1, you can get Episode 2 in this separate 67 meg file. Episode 3 should arrive at around 80 megabytes, including almost 500 new lines of spoken dialogue. If the exciting storyline, advanced Vision Engine graphics and popular WC2-Fleet Action setting aren't enough, there will also be an exciting special feature making its debut. In order to take advantage of the surprise as early as possible, try to play through at least Episode 1 prior to Sunday!
Not much time left now. We're still busy as heck testing the game in search of last-minute bugs to kill, but overall, I'd say we're winning this fight. If you're waiting for this one and have some time to spare before the release, I'd suggest getting some practice in the sim. You might find it more useful than you can imagine.

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