Enhanced Wing Commander 2 Soundtrack Complete! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's been a very stressful week for a lot of folks out there, so here's a welcome distraction from it all. Jason Walton has completed his remastered soundtrack to Wing Commander 2, and the results are amazing. He's done an excellent job of capturing the authentic emotional highs and lows of the original music while adding in just the right about of new flavor. Since we last reported on his progress, the number of tracks have been doubled to 47, so just about everything from the game is here. Whether it's the new Returning Defeated, Victorious, Emotional, or even Poker tracks, open up the playlist, close your eyes and be transported to another world. The convenient Youtube player is below, but you can also download the album in mp3 format here (167 MB zip). Bonus: Also check out his completed Ultima VI album! (51 MB zip).

I never imagined I'd remaster two classic Origin games' soundtracks, but it's finally done. I hope you all enjoy it! I'm going to get back to working on Privateer, but that's going to take a bit longer.

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