He'll Be Brief(ing) Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

IronDuke has released two 'screens' from his Wing Commander TacOps pen and paper game project. He says: "I spent some time on designing character sheets and briefings, as well. The current designs would work for PBM gaming and the PC game Mike-L is still working on. They're more or less drafts, so feel free to tell me what you think!" They look good to me!

Homeworld Again Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's one we haven't heard from in a while: Aaron has released a new working version of his WC4 Homeworld 2 mod! Here are the instructions: "Please note this is a complete new release, with AI and all 3 races and icons and various balancing fixes and bug fixes. Please delete the older version before proceeding to play this or they might clash. There is NO installer this time. I am not including release notes. There is a simple readme file." You can download the beta here (101 mb ZIP).

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