Veterans Day Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

As you are no doubt aware, today is Veterans Day (though the denziens of the Wing Commander universe no doubt celebrate September 24th). Please remember to take a moment and remember the many sacrifices our fighting men and women have undertaken throughout history to keep us playing video games.

Put The Fear of God Into... Well, Juni, I Guess Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Ben Moore informs us that The Lancers Reactor has posted an awesome model of the TCS Vesuvius for use with FreeLancer. The ship was done by Plauge and skinned by Nephilim. Here's what they have to say about it:
The TCS Vesuvius, the Super Carrier from Wing Commander 4 and prophecy. This massive ship has 25 turrets, 2 torp launchers and a massive cargo bay. As a warning, this ship uses large moors and can not dock at planets, but it can at any space station. Be warned, it's huge. It can be purchased at Manhattan for 8 million and the custom battleship turrets can be bought there as well. Special Thanks to all the Tutorial writers!
You can find it here.

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