Privateer 3 Ramblings Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Those great people over at found this article at a US gaming magazine's home page yesterday...

Privateer 3 Re tooled

While rumors on the Net suggest Origin's Privateer 3 has been completely scrapped, the reality is that it is being massively revamped.

July 20, 1999

The news of a major revamping is something of a mixed blessing to Privateer fans. On the one hand, the game is not canceled (as many had previously thought), but on the other, Origin is no longer willing to commit to a release date for the game.

Said a spokes person for Origin: "All developers have to constantly re-evaluate their products. The team is going to be changing a lot of things in the game."

Privateer 3 was originally slated for release this fall.

3D Movie Update Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Korax sent an update on the fan-made Wing Commander 3D movie he's working on... here goes... it sounds very cool.
Update: the movie name is Wing Commander Incursion.

At the moment it looks to be split into 2 or 3 parts and each part will be split up to make uploading and downloading easier.

The basic story has it that Angel has to get to Kilrah for WC3 and myself and B.R@DIU$, my partner in this, tell how she gets there. We have tried to have a story to this and not just make it a 3D animation show, there's a part were a pilot has his life flash before his eyes as a Kilrathi missile impacts his arrow, just as an example.

Within 3 - 4 weeks we wish to upload to a trailer that we are putting together, however this is with your permission of course as it look to be about 50 megs (we are trying to decrease this with different compression codecs in the movie).

Also anyone wishing to do some sound FX voices for the movie, e-mail me first with a short sound of your voice about 5 spec.

Thanks, I will also be uploading some tasty pics soon.

And for all those people who e-mailed saying that they hoped the movie would maintain the look from the arrow flyby -- we did better!

Starlancer Ad Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Exile was kind enough to scan a recent Starlancer ad for us... it's very reminiscent of some of the old Wing Commander advertisements, check it out.

AVault Results Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Here's the current results from the poll at AVault... (Results are thanks to Psychopath).

Double Dragon - 15.8%
Mortal Kombat - 7.1%
Street Fighter - 21.6%
Super Mario Brothers - 27.6%
Wing Commander - 11.5%
Other - 1.9%
Haven't seen any of them - 14.5%

Our Daily Bread Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Deadeye noticed a few things in the Wing Commander movie that are worth commenting on... First off, a mistake in the packaging. The small booklet that came with the DVD's description of Tcheky Karyo (Paladin) mistakenly has a picture of Jurgen Prochnow (Gerald). He also notes that Merlin is listed as being played by "?" -- as Chris Roberts explained after the movie's premiere, Merlin was voiced by Mark Hamill, who played Blair in the latest three Wing Commander games, as a sort of easter egg for the movie.

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