Marines Weapons

Guns? Remote Controlled? REMOTE CONTROLLED CRAFT WITH GUNS?!?!?!?

Ok, now I know WHY people should be responsible with weapons. This is just bullshit. It should be illegal, and Mr Helicopter should be either put out to pasture....six feet under, or should be shot randomly by an RC craft...

just to see how it feels....
Originally posted by redwolf
Guns? Remote Controlled? REMOTE CONTROLLED CRAFT WITH GUNS?!?!?!?

Ok, now I know WHY people should be responsible with weapons. This is just bullshit. It should be illegal, and Mr Helicopter should be either put out to pasture....six feet under, or should be shot randomly by an RC craft...

just to see how it feels....

There are many RC clubs that do not allow models packing real guns or bullets. In some states, it is in fact illegal and classified as a firearm, hence it is no longer a model of hobby enjoyment, they see it as a potential weapon and tag it as such.

But the US Navy and Air Force have remote controlled craft that *do* have real weaponry on them. The Allied Forces during the Gulf war used several remote controlled aircraft loaded with real guns on them to recon Iraqi enemy positions. I dont know if any of them actually used these guns or not, but you can bet your asspiration they had them fully loaded and ready to fire if needed!

I agree 100% about using real guns on RC models. Real guns have no place on an RC model. Be it for competition or fun. Blanks are another story, until some idiot places a small rock or something in the barrel for laughs.


Originally posted by RFBurns
I agree 100% about using real guns on RC models. Real guns have no place on an RC model. Be it for competition or fun. Blanks are another story, until some idiot places a small rock or something in the barrel for laughs.



You agree or not ?????? :D
Ok Ill clarify, I agree 100% real guns are NOT for RC models. They have no place on a RC model at all! But I know some out here would love to see one loaded with 9mm's or something just to see what would happen. (ricoche bullet hits little girl walking down the street, dies) :(

whats the problem? the guy is liscensed to own a firearm and he has ~30 years experience with RCing. he only fires his boats guns (when loaded with real ammo) toward the cliff on one edge of the pond. its not like handing maniac a bomb, and he won't let anyone fire the gun but him. All it takes are some simple safty precautions and the danger would be very low.
Originally posted by Quarto
Mind you, the oh-oh does sound kinda cute the first time you hear it - after all, it reminds you of Lemmings ;).
Yes! Lemmings! The first game I recall being addicted to! (This was before WC, of course). I even extracted the sound FX from Lemmings II and III. :)
Hmm, I liked Lemmings, though I was nowhere near the addict my older brother was :). I never really got very far in L2: The Tribes, and I only played L3 for a week or two. Still, all excellent games :D.
Hello? Do we have any Lemmings Revoultionaries in the house?

And let's not forget that, in games like Lemmings Paintball, you can shoot Lemmings with guns. :)

Paintball guns...The US Army uses them - Shouldn't you? :D
Eh eh... Lemmings... I even used to draw little comics with them... :D

Boy, those things were cute, but JEEZ, were they stupid!! ;)
Hehe, I used to draw Lemmings on the back of my science tests, in grade seven :). I think I might have actually drawn one in my business studies IGCSE exam (grade ten) as well, but it was all so long ago...
Grrr... :mad:
I actually found it frustrating when I did not manage to complete a level, just because 20% of my Lemmings had drowned or ended up sliced by a fan... ;)
Haven't you ever heard of the old game called lemmings??????? Maybe someone else here can explain cause
I don't have time!
Lemmings, some real dumb, I do mean dumb little creatures that seem to want to commit suicide by walking off clifs, smashing into the ground into little pieces. You have to provide a path for them to walk on before they plunge to their deaths!


[Edited by RFBurns on 05-14-2001 at 15:55]
that's the goal of the game? saving stupid little creatures that don't deserve to live because of their immense *stupidity?

(*I hope I spelled that right :))
Hehehe, ya basically. You build pathways so they can walk all over the screen without falling into the abyss below! Actually it can be quite addicting trying to save those creatures! But yep, thats all you do, is make paths so they dont fall!
