Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Kilrathi Pilot (3dfx Test)

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy 3dfx Test communications associated with the Kilrathi pilot. The Kilrathi pilot uses the same lines as Kilrathi Pilot 5 in Wing Commander Prophecy.

Video Loops

Download: kilhel8.mp4


Speech Download Role Transcript
00900000.wav KIA I am dishonored!
00900001.wav KIA Arrrrgh!
00900002.wav Scored Kill Now! To battle!
00900003.wav Scored Kill Count the dead!
00900004.wav Requesting Assistance Finish this one!
00900005.wav Scored Kill How satisfying it is to watch them die!
00900006.wav Scored Kill This foe is no more.
00900007.wav Treason Destroying you will be a pleasure, human.
00900008.wav Taunt I shall smash your skull!
00900009.wav Taunt Pathetic wretch!
00900010.wav Taunt You are no match for me!
00900011.wav Taunt Disintegration would be too good for you.