And This Week's XBLA Title Is... Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

... "Band Of Bugs", a turn-based strategy game which is already winning rave reviews for its map editing feature. Why is this important? Because this announcement fills the next-to-last June Xbox Live Arcade release slot, leaving only June 27th available. As of last month, Wing Commander Arena was being prepped for a June release. From an early May interview with producer Sean Penney:

AMNTV: So when are we expecting the game to be on Xbox Live?

Sean: Well, we should see it real soon. Some time in June, late June.

Does this mean we'll be seeing Arena on June 27th? Not necessarily - EA has been very quiet in recent weeks... and final XBLA release dates are set by Microsoft rather than individual game developers. Still, it would be a good day to watch your Xbox Marketplace blade...

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