Gaze At The Stars And Hear Paladin's Music
After some careful searching, we've dug up the operatic Trio from Mozart's 'Cosi Fan Tutte' featured in the Wing Commander movie. It's available as a promotional stream from the Ole George Music website. CIC staff music analyst ace has converted it into a nice mp3 so Wing Commander fans can add it to their collections. The complete Trio Soave sia il vento comes in at 2.5 megabytes. criticalmass has translated the libretto below.
Just to add a bit to this, the text they're singing is very short:A few fans have expressed interest in the entire opera. Keep an eye on where Needaham is looking for the best way to help people get it.
Soave sia il vento,
Tranquilla sia l'onda,
Ed ogni elemento
Benigno risponda
Ai nostri/vostri desir.Which translates into:
Gentle be the breeze,
Calm be the waves,
And every element
Smile in favour
On their wish.
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