Concept Sketch Combines Different Kilrathi Elements
NinjaLA has teamed up with AD to sketch out some concept soldiers for the Half Life 2 project. He's inked the first design and it's looking pretty sharp.
I decided to start with a Kilrathi. This image is a compilation of concepts from Wing Commander II, Wing Commander III and the Wing Commander movie. The face draws heavily from the WC II style of artwork (mostly Thrakhath) with body proportions taken from Hobbes in Wing Commander 3. The armor is heavily derived from the combat armor worn by the Kilrathi grunts.All told I spent about 8 hours yesterday on various sketches of Kilrathi to get it to have the right feeling. This particular image was created by drawing half a Kilrathi and then mirroring the image to make it properly proportioned for use by a 3d modeler. I should be producing a few more Kilrathi sketches and a couple of Confed Marines as well.
NinjaLA A.K.A. Alex Von Tolmacsy
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