Standoff Episode 3 Improvement Patch Released! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

The highly anticipated upgrade to Standoff Episode 3 is now available! Although the team behind this popular fan project is hesitant to release interim updates between episodes, they have isolated a number of major things they were able to fix and expand on in the last month. In addition to these improvements, the Tarsus has been replaced by the Arrow in the Standoff Simulator. The new ship looks great and should be very popular. You can begin flying and racking up new scores with the Arrow now! Current Episode 3 players can grab the one meg patch here. Brand new users can begin with the 194 meg starter pack, and people with just Episode 1&2 can grab their 76 meg version here. The exterior shots below show off the Arrow in the Vision Engine. The interior pictures feature the improved Ferret cockpit.

  • Fixed a bug that made certain missions crash when too few wingmen were available
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from returning to the flight deck after going back to the recroom
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from using autopilot to land, even when the AUTO light was on
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally made valid simulator scores be discarded
  • Added a permanent score display in the scoreboard-enabled simulator missions
  • Made military transports act as corvettes (corvettes use different radar colors and collision detection)
  • Made the mines trigger on proximity instead of on collision
  • Fixed the mine 3D model so that it no longer has engine flares
  • Added a new cockpit mesh for the Ferret
  • Replaced the Tarsus with the Arrow in the simulator (this Arrow is based on the Armada version).

We've also taken a few measures to try to eliminate a crash that might happen at the start of a new wave in the gauntlets, as well as the infamous "mis-matched VDU" bug. However, we can't be sure we've managed to completely fix either of those bugs since they both were much more frequent on some systems than on others. We *hope* they've been fixed, but if you have any indication to the contrary, please contact us.

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