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Dishwasher is back.. and this time he's in high res! Or rather the WCA TV episodes on his FTP are. If you'd rather download the older versions, they're on the FTP too. If you had trouble downloading from our original mirror, give this FTP a try. Here are the direct links to the high res ones:
Episode 01 - Red & Blue
Episode 02 - The Last One Left
Episode 03 - The Most Delicate Instrument
Episode 04 - Word of Honor
Episode 05 - Lords of the Sky
Episode 06 - Chain of Command
Episode 07 - Expendable
Episode 08 - Recreation
Episode 09 - Walking Wounded
Episode 10 - On Both Your Houses
Episode 11 - Invisible Enemy
Episode 12 - Price of Victory
Episode 13 - Glory of Sivar

Dishwasher warns that users of Internet Explorer may need to enable the "Passive FTP" option in the Tools - Internet Options menu under Advanced.

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