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In what has very quickly become our annual tradition, various members of the CIC staff met up with people from #WingNut at what is claimed to be "America's Largest SF and Popular Arts Convention", Dragon*Con. Our first year was filled with spreading the word via a booth and harrassing WC related people. What did we do this year? Find out in our special gallery where we mock the pictures and each other in a suitably insulting fashion. Here, have a quick sample:


Byydo: The stray fibers on this scan make Tye look like he has rabies. Wait, what the hell is he eating? :~(
Weasel: It's a camera, Tye. There's no need to be afraid.
TyeDyeBoy: I look happy there, but that sandwich was a huge damn disappointment.
Monee: Uhh, so Weasel... what're you gonna have this time? Chicken strips?
Weasel: Hey, I happen to like chicken fingers. Leave me alone.
ChrisReid: I think Hades' straw has a lemon stuck in it.
LOAF: Champions: because it's there.
Joe: DEATH: "I'll be there in 15 minutes...save me a seat!"
Death: Die, Joe.
Hades: Joe mocks, but he never showed up for much of the day either.

You can read the rest here.

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