Trivia 3 Week 9 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's time for Week 9 of CIC/agwc Trivia! Last weeks scores are here -- go get 'em!

Welcome to Game Three, Week Nine Trivia. We play each week. Every Monday two main questions and one bonus question are posted to and listed at the CIC. Please email answers to or Be sure to include a name you would like to be known under for the Scoreboard that will be up soon. Have your answers in *before* this coming Sunday (December 17, 2000) to ensure your answers are recorded. Answers submitted early may be returned and you may be able to fix incorrect answers, time permitting. Main questions answered correctly are good for 5 points, bonuses good for 3.

Answers to Questions from Week 8 (starting December 18, 2000):

Question 15: Who was Etienne Montclair?
Most Common Answer: Maori pilot by the callsign of Doomsday. Served aboard the Austin, Tiger's Claw, Concordia, Tarawa and more. Capable leader. Friend of Bear Bondarevsky.

Question 16: Who was Robert Sykes?
Most Common Answer: Border Worlds Chief Tech known as Pliers. Served aboard the Intrepid during the Black Lance Affair. Loved to steal goodies from Confed.

Bonus 8: Who was Slade "Tex" Carver?
Most Common Answer: Famous CIS Black Watch colonel. Had a knack for surviving disasterous situations. Highly decorated with low tolerance for incompetence.

New Questions for Week 8 (starting December 25, 2000):

Question 17: On what major holiday did the Kilrathi choose to launch their first massive assault against the Terrans?

Question 18: Where was the 2654 Sivar-Eshrad ceremony held?

Bonus 9: Where was the 2621 Sivar-Eshrad ceremony held?

Submissions are due by December 31st 2000.

Please email answers to and do not post directly to the Newsgroup. Thanks,

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