Homeworld Mod Still Looking Sharp Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Fleet Action, the Homeworld mod, has made some definite progress and they're not awaiting tools to upgrade construction of it for the Homeworld addon. I'll let Voidsurfer hit the main points.
1) After Gamespy had some server problems, all of our file downloads were mysteriously deleted. While I recompressed and reuploaded the mod files (sneaking a bug fix into the mod), our model archive downloads are down. What model archive, you ask? Well, although we never really made a big deal of it, we do have a model archive of some of the WC ships in our mod, and some ships that we are not planning to use. These models are primarily intended for mod use. We do have a few ships that the Armada mod doesn't have in their model archive. While you can't download any of the available models until I contact the person with the backup files, you can still look at screenshots of them. A direct link to our model archive pages is below:
Note: Model contributions are always welcome.

2) We are going to be porting the mod from HW to HW:C (Homeworld: Cataclysm). It has more features and a better interface, so that's the sensible thing to do. We are not sure if we will still make a version for HW, that depends on how much we have to change the mod for HW:C.

3) The mod is officially ON HOLD until editing tools are upgraded/developed for HW:C. In particular, the model format is slightly different and there is currently no compatible converter available at this time (to my knowledge).

While our team has several other mod ideas that we would like to try, we still plan to produce more ships with the FA mod. However, sometimes we might work on another project, then come back to the FA mod, and/or randomly release updates.


You can find more on Fleet Action here

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