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This one's outrageous. Gamespot's question of the week this week asks which game has the best cinematics. And you guessed it, Wing Commander is not an option. It's not because the game is too old.. Command & Conquer came out before Wing Commander 4, Prophecy and Privateer 2. Obscurity can't be the reason, because that Final Liberation game got a big nod. Cinematics don't even have to be played by live actors apparently (because *both* Starcraft and Brood War are choices), so all major Wing Commander games should have been contenders. Maybe it's just me, but if you think WC has been left off in error, they provide an avenue to contact them and let them know. If you'd like to send an email you can reach them at Take the time to write a well composed letter, people do get them published. The first response to last week's question was written by Wing Commander fan Chris LaRoche. You can find the feature for yourself here.

It turned out that Command & Conquer had all this great prerendered footage of GDI and NOD combat sequences before and after every mission.
Didn't WC have cinematics before and after every mission back in 1990?

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