Originator Tool Adds Support for Wing Commander Arena Models Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Another week, another exciting update to the Originator extraction tool! A headline feature this time is support for Wing Commander Arena models. Look how sharp they are in this format! There's some huge untapped potential with these designs. AllTinker also improved on the Privateer 2 enhancements added earlier this month and also added support for viewing certain images and text out of Origin's game Bioforge. You can grab the new update here.

Here's version 0.3.05, which mainly adds a few more missing bits of Privateer 2 text, brings over some of my old work-in-progress Bioforge stuff, and adds support for Wing Commander Arena models. [For] Wing Commander Arena's models, which are binary Ogre3D models - I wrote a custom parser rather than use Ogre itself. Originator itself doesn't display the normalmaps currently, but it does export them; it'd be easy enough but I'll wait until I do a bit of a refresh of the viewport rendering code at a later date.
Years ago I was reverse engineering Bioforge, but stopped when I discovered the OpenBioforge project which seemed much further along - if you're into the idea of an improved Bioforge source port, be sure to keep tabs on that (e.g. here). Anyway, I've brought over a good amount of my old work, including my half-finished script reparser, and support for images and some more of the in-game text. I may bring over my animation code eventually too, but it'll be part of the object/ship viewer.

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