Save Archive: Wing Commander IV Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

We've got a new project intended to help out Wing Commander fans in 2024: save game archives that allow you to jump as close as possible to any given point in a game! We're kicking things off with a couple of playthroughs of Wing Commander IV which will allow you access to every single mission with every single ship and loadout option possible. We flew as "Maverick" and saved each game as soon as the previous mission ended to allow you to view any cutscene as easily as possible. Simply drop the contents of the archive in your Wing Commander IV folder; they should work on the MS-DOS, Windows 95, DVD and Macintosh versions (including the GOG and non-GOG releases). Please note that if you have your own saves you want to preserve you should back them up first; they're the files with the .WSG extension. (Warning: if you have your own saves you don't want to replace, be sure to back them up first; they're the files with the .WSG extension.)

In the future weeks we're hoping to add Privateer, Privateer 2, Wing Commander III and others. If you'd like to make your own save games available, feel free to submit them to us or post them to the forums for collection!

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