New Zealand Movie Review Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Weng Foo "Penguin" Ong from Auckland sent in a summary of the movie experience from a New Zealand perspective.
I saw it the first opportunity I got and can't say I was disappointed. I was particularly impressed with the special effects sequences, which were easily on par with Star Wars. I liked the acting since Blair and Maniac had a bit more depth then they usually seemed to have. The movie was definitely a solid effort from a first time director with a limited budget.

When I went early in the afternoon with a friend there were a few other people who had come to see the movie, surprising since most other people would've been at work or school. My friend said it was OK, even though the local reviewer gave it 1 star. Definitely DO NOT listen to reviewers!

On a side note the effects were quite dark so maybe Auckland cinemas use the same cameras or film or whatever as the US cinemas. Advertising is also pretty slack, I've only seen one small poster stuck at the back of the cinema, one short TV ad and ads in the movie directory only appeared when the movie began screening. Here's hoping the soundtrack won't be so scarce.

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