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In our daily updates, we sometimes share fascinating background information related to the development of a Wing Commander product. This could be never before seen storyboards, pictures from the film set, early draft scripts that differ wildly from the final version, or high resolution source files used in the creation of the box art. In 2004, we launched the Document Archive with the purpose of collecting and categorizing these materials so our visitors can more easily research the development history of their favorite titles. For our 19th birthday, we've greatly expanded the collection of documents related to Privateer 2: The Darkening. Below is just a small selection from dozens of new additions. We've also brought the layout in line with CIC Red and Yellow. We hope it's a little easier on the eyes.

  • Scripts: a fairly complete shooting script
  • Design history: storyboards, the post-mortem, a massive customer service manual (238 pages), and various set photographs
  • Manuals: Radically different UK manuals, and a helpful hint sheet
  • Artwork: Pre-release images from early builds, various concept art, logo tryouts, hi-res artwork
  • Advertising: a six page press kit from the 1996 E3, an extensive preview booklet, and a crew jacket

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