Next ATFW Multi-Dev Chat Announced Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

A Talent For War has released the details on their next Multi-Game Developer Chat. For the details, I'll leave it to a quote off their news page. It looks like a nice lineup.
The latest of ATFW's developer chats is now set. It's scheduled for this Saturday, September 11th at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST/6 PM GMT. If you need a translation to your time zone, hit CNN's time zone converter (Javascript required). Guests at the third dev chat include representatives from Jumpgate, Klingon Academy, Parsec, Starfleet Command, Starlancer, and Tachyon. As always, the chat will be held in the #space-sim channel on Gameslink's IRC network. For your nearest server, check out their Servers page. The chat will also be mostly moderated; for more info, check out the Chat FAQ.

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