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VERTi60 is an ace starship commander in the new Galactic Junk League. The point of the game is to cobble together a cool ship from space debris and then battle it out with other players. Naturally, Wing Commander fans quickly started to make familiar designs from their favorite series! Even better: the ship kicks some serious butt! Combined with VERTi60's piloting skills, the Midway goes on to score the most kills and bring blue team to victory in the demonstration vid below. It's a really fun video with great intermixing of Prophecy cutscenes and music.
Galactic Junk League is a new sandbox build - action team game-play where you can build your own ships and then quickly battle with one another.

WC Series were one my favorite back then, even though I watched it more for the story than play for the game-play. :) I've recreated the TCS Midway, Heavy Carrier Class from the Wing Commander V - it's one of the most astonishing carriers in the whole saga, perhaps iconic throughout the whole genre. Now as she travel to the Galactic Junk Universe, she must struggle for survival as many alien ships are "hungry" for more junk parts. Will the Midway and her crew survive the ambush?

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