"Defiant Few" Looking For A Few Good Voices Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Plywood Fiend has a few more roles that need to be filled for his "Defiant Few" audio project. Wingnuts interested in lending their voice to the project have a few days left before auditions close on the 21st. Be sure to check out the project's Chatzone thread for more details and the list of open roles below. If you were looking for a great way to get involved with the community, this project is a great place to start!

Whilst I'm here, I just wanted to thank everyone who's auditioned so far. I've had some great sounding lines sent to me and it's encouraging to see people's enthusiasm for the project. ... Below are the roles that, as yet, have had little to no auditions.

Admiral Sandra Goodin
Amanda Ganeson
Commodore Pryce
Pryce's Com Officer

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